
Or even worse, it is on the surface, they can see out, but because they are literally bolted in from the outside, they are suffocating within sight of fresh air.

Not to wish ill on those on board, but I think I would prefer a catastrophic failure to put a quick end to me rather than sitting in the dark for 4-5 days waiting to suffocate.

Using their logic I have box of random 1989 Donruss baseball cards I’ll trade them, they're collectable :)

And don’t get me started on “who faces losing her home to the IRS because she’s desperately behind on her property taxes.” When did the Feds deal in local property taxes? And what’s the deal with airline peanuts?

I’m pretty sure the IRS does not collect property taxes. Those are generally paid to the state or locality. Just sayin’. Edit: Is it an inheritance tax?

Considering the outright technical witchcraft that is Zelda TotK, I think it’s a safe bet that this title will run well for the near totality of it’s intended gameplay.

You will be very surprised by her full frontal naked fight scene then.

Tell us Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t get naked in this movie without telling us...

its morse code for “need playstation controller batteries” 

Just as a note, if there is someone inside the Titanic banging to be rescued, I would suggest we just leave the wreck alone and never come back.

Critics need to start watching comedies with an actual audience. Way too easy to sit in a screening room with five other underemployed people trying to make their liberal arts degrees matter by writing “yes, not enough class politics in this R-rated sex comedy. Thumbs down.”

I feel like complaining about a switch successor every direct is kind of tired at this point. Can we not just talk about the game in these posts. Write a separate post about how you know better than Nintendo on what they should be doing.

But if a hundred million people keep their grills clean, that would be like removing a million cars from the road and THAT would reduce emissions by 0.0000001% which would allow those 100 top polluters to run more commercials about how green they are!

Ditching the lighter fluid in exchange for a chimney starter also offers the benefit of your food not tasting like gasoline.

If you do the math and compare energy savings vs your labor to put clothes on a line then you are “earning” the equivalent of about 75 cents per hour over a year- you decide on that rate-of-return

What you should definitely NOT do is try and hold the 100 corporations responsible for 71% of greenhouse gas emissions accountable. Just keep your grill clean and use paper straws. 

If you ever fantasized about leaving your job right on your 67th birthday...

Do not edit your content: Never ask yourself “is this boring?” Or “who would actually care about this?” Just post whatever.
