
If the beer came from Bell’s or Founders, I would have helped them clean up for free. 

It’s cute that they think the only two other options could be cannabis or sobriety. 

Both of you are probably just absolutely insufferable to be around.

The earliest dates that are used to define Gen Z are 1995-2012. Half of this generation aren’t of legal age but hey, damn those 13 years old who are killing the booze industry, right?

Sir. Please. If you’re going to make this statement, please spell it properly.

The sad truth is the majority of “gamers” are just fucking losers. Look at every idiot lining up to give blizzard money after all the revelations. Pathetic

The memorabilia market has always had it’s morbid niches. Getting self-righteous about it is kinda naive...

...but it’s OK for Jalopnik to capitalize (again) on Walker’s death with this click-bait headline.

No disrespect but are there really that many Paul Walker fans still out there after 10 years? The guy was cool but his only claim to fame was staring in a campy movie franchise. I never understood the hype 🤷‍♂️ (plus wasn't he a pedo?)

Sad to see some people taking advantage of the death of an admitted pedophile in this manner. They should have more respect. 

do people seriously buy cars this expensive with that little down?? I can understand buying a civic with no down payment or very little down. But a luxury vehicle??  

They worked for decades to make people dumber, angrier, and easier to manipulate. Then along comes Donny and says “thank you very much, I’ll take that mob, make it even dumber and angrier, and ride it to power.” It has completely fucked them (and the country) up for a long time to come.  Now they are in so deep they

I don't care either way wrt CK.  I agree he's a great artist but he made his bed so he has to lie in it.  Capitalisim cuts lots of different ways.  

The Louis CK thing i dont care about, (I mean. dont care about them shelving it)-but DeSantis is fucking dangerous, he’s a threat to democracy as much as Trump, shelving any exposes about him is not good.

I think the author was lamenting that they used CGI to represent the bridge instead of shutting down Mass Ave and pissing off a ton of Bostonians, as we would all no doubt prefer.

I’m certain that’s the real reason they’re doing it. They could either make this fan drag the whole process out trying to get them to pay for repairs and argue whether or not the disclaimer on the back of the ticket is truly enforceable, probably in a very public manner... or they could spend less than the cost of the

I was looking at an apartment in NYC midtown years ago with a broker and this apartment didn’t have a living room because the bathroom spilt over into that space. So it was just a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.  The broker tells me that “you have to be creative with the space”.

Guys I know literally right now in 2023, a 29 year old guy who is a student and works a part time internet job and has an apartment on the Upper East Side (alone, no roommate). No other money or wealth. Stop arguing about Jerry Seinfeld’s completely modest 1990s apartment.

The survey was done for 19 of the biggest cities in the US.