
The thing that surprises me most about all of this is that Brenda Lee isn’t even 80 years old yet. She sounded 80 when she was 14. 

I don’t see anything to suggest that the water itself is bad, so yeah, definitely wash your hands, and engineer a way to not touch the door handle with your clean hands. It isn’t that hard. Many people don’t realize that hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, and standard Clorox/Lysol wipes, etc don’t kill stomach viruses.

I don’t know if I buy the pandemic being tied to your experience. I can remember things like that happening in movie theaters 20 years ago. 

You and I agree on SMW. I’ve had a lot of fun with Mario games that have come after, but none have topped it for me. I’ve also never enjoyed 3D Mario games as much as 2D Mario. 

Except that I doubt the typical Incel has the income needed to buy one. 

I’ve never owned a vehicle with three on the tree. 

I spent a lot of years playing trumpet, and that music was definitely harder to memorize than most rock music which is generally a lot simpler. I still memorized it though. For some reason I have a much harder time memorizing lyrics than music. Still though, I just don’t see the huge issue with a teleprompter as long

Eh, I disagree. Look at a world-class symphony orchestra. Every musician as well as the conductor on that stage has sheet music in front of them. They likely have all of the music memorized, but still have it there for reference. I take zero issue with it. You do for some reason and that’s your right, but I couldn’t

I personally don’t take issue with teleprompters. If you pay attention it seems that pretty much everyone uses them now. I’d much rather see a teleprompter than have someone faking it. I think most use them as a quick reference instead of using them to read the entire song. I don’t play in public anymore, but when I’m

I think 2D games generally age better. I’m sure that is a common opinion. I go back and play my favorite 2D games every few years, but it’s rare that I go back and play a 3D game. This is especially true for early console 3D games like those found on N64. It isn’t even the ugly graphics, it’s the clunky controls that

Have you ever performed onstage in a rock band? I have, never at anything approaching the level of Ozzy’s audience, but I have played shows in front of 500+ and even that is absolutely intoxicating. I can absolutely understand why he has a strong desire to do it again.

I don’t think the two are comparable in that sense. I’m a huge Sabbath and Ozzy fan, but he did actually do some legitimately horrible things. The biggest one that comes to mind is when he killed all of his family’s cats for scratching his car. 

You’re talking to the wrong person there. Other than a handful of RTS games and the original Doom I’ve never been a computer gamer. I’m a plug and play kind of guy who wants to sit on his couch and stare at a big screen without worrying about video cards, processing power, and settings : )

While I don’t deny its impact or question other people’s experiences with it, I have just plain never liked OoT. I was a teenager when it was released, so I was certainly of age to enjoy it when it was new. I absolutely loved LttP, and was excited for the first 3D Zelda. I found it clunky, hard to play, and

I guess I’ll list a handful of my favorite video game sequels. Note that I said favorite and not best, because those are somewhat different things, and I feel “favorite” is a better word to convey a subjective opinion. In no particular order:

Yes, speed matters to a degree and a person would have more time to try and do something in a Camry vs a Flying Spur. That said, any situation with a stuck throttle is a bad one, and there is a high likelihood of death regardless of how powerful the car is. 

Of course not, but a Camry could still build enough speed to kill the vehicle’s occupants in the same amount of space.

Yes, the brakes are almost always going to be much more powerful on a 500hp car than a 200hp car.

No matter what happened, if they had been in a 200hp car they probably would still be alive.

Saw them two years ago and he’s still the same. It’s honestly quite something to behold. I’ve read that he runs like 8 miles a day when he’s prepping for a tour. You gotta admire his dedication.