
Now I need to decide which show I’m going to spend far too much money on. Every time I see these guys it’s under the assumption that it will be the last time, then they manage to tour again. It’d be easy to skip if they ever disappointed me, but that hasn’t happened yet. Whatever deal Mick made with whichever evil

The problem with salad at Thanksgiving is one of real estate. Salad made from leafy greens takes up a lot of space on a plate. On any other Thursday this is fine. On Thanksgiving I’m not going to waste valuable space on greens that could go to gravy-covered things.

Someone took DARE a little too seriously. 

Jimmy Buffet was not a teetotaler. 

Lol, someone is a little touchy. If this fire was caused by the issue the car has a recall for it has nothing to do with it being an ICE. 

Plus an overall governor that limits vehicles to say 95 in all circumstances could be the first step.”

I’m not necessarily opposed to this, but I can definitely see potential issues. As an example, my GPS will occasionally think I’m on a service drive next a highway. If I’m going 75 and the GPS suddenly thinks I’m on a road w/a 40mph limit what is the car going to do? 

If George Costanza isn’t in it, it isn’t really Seinfeld”

He really seems like the real deal, I have love Jacques. Last Christmas I received his book “The Art of the Chicken”, which is more a book of stories than it is a cookbook. His warmth comes through in his writing as well. He seems like a lovely man. 

Could we all just decide to forget Polar Express exists? It’s as horrifying today as it has been since it was released. 

I would not say nearly always, although I truthfully don’t jack my cars up very often anymore. I used to work on my cars because I grew up doing it with my dad who is a mechanic. In all honesty I don’t really enjoy working on cars that much, and as my income has increased I’ve started to outsource my automotive work,

I definitely don’t go to Taco Bell for value. I’ve of course always been drawn to their “premium” items vs the value-oriented ones. I occasionally buy Taco Bell for my family of 4 which includes two kids who don’t eat much. I’d say my average transaction in this situation is $40-$45 these days. 

I think a Zelda movie is a bad idea to begin with, and live action has the potential to be worse. As a silent protagonist Link has always been a character you could project whatever traits you envisioned onto. I can’t help but imagine that his movie personality will mesh well with the imagine I’ve developed of the

I don’t think you’re properly envisioning what is going on here. There is still significant weight on the jack stand(s), the jack is lifted up just enough to be bearing some weight. 

I know it isn’t practical to do so all the time, but I almost always lower the car onto the jack stand(s), then raise the jack back up to where it is slightly engaged. I figure it is an additional failsafe. 

It’s a very good album and I’m really enjoying it. Would I rank it up there with their best albums? No, but anyone expecting them to release another Sticky Fingers at this point in their career is being unrealistic. I’m just super stoked to have a new album by The Stones in ‘23 that I genuinely enjoy, it’s a gift! 

What you are suggesting could actually be a good “out” for the automakers. They could include a cheap battery operated AM radio in the trunk/cargo area for emergencies. 

While Elf may have “saved” the Christmas movie, I can’t think of many great ones that have come out since. Klaus on Netflix is really good, but other than that there hasn’t been a Christmas movie since Elf that I’ve cared to watch more than once. 

As someone who has made the cranberry sauce for my family’s Thanksgiving for many years I’ve always found it funny that people don’t consider it rude to say “no thanks, I prefer the trash out of the can”. 

Someone hasn’t watched Everybody Loves Raymond. I think it has an accurate portrayal of what would happen in many families if you were to serve fish instead of turkey .