
I think you mean Rocks. Hot Rocks is an early Rolling Stones Greatest Hits compilation :) 

It’s funny that you stopped at the 70's. 

I mean I think it’s a silly institution to begin with. Having a buttoned up organization with voting committees and all of that is sort of the antithesis of what rock and roll is supposed to be.

The thing is, rock, pop, and country all tend to use a similar I-IV-V (sometimes including vi) chord progression, whereas rap doesn’t fall into this convention nearly as often. One could argue that is a reason to include those and exclude rap.

The man was a brilliant songwriter. 

I commented to someone else, but the $500 Xbox Series whatever argument doesn’t even stand. Got the same ad on my Xbox One. 

I own an Xbox One and had the same message pop up last night, so it’s not exactly that. I actually thought I clicked on an ad by mistake. I don’t even really use my Xbox One to game anymore, 99% of the time it’s just a streaming box. 

You’re right, it doesn’t seem like a hard voice to imitate, and I don’t think it’s disrespectful of his memory to suggest that. I know he was also a writer on the show, and I’m sure those contributions will be missed.

He is just one among many ridiculous omissions by this silly institution. Oh Excitable Boy, those are some interesting lyrics lol. 

Not that anyone should really care about the Rock Hall, but this might be the weakest class yet, and that’s really saying something.

I mean you have to have a long term plan when you’re running a major corporation. I work for a large automaker and because of my role I’m familiar with our future product plans. We have plans for second generations of vehicles coming out in the 2030s where the first generation hasn’t even the market yet and have no

I have always wondered who this is for. I’ve been a craft beer devotee for a very long time, but I’ve never been drawn to the super high alcohol stuff. I find the cutoff to where I find beer enjoyable to be somewhere around the 9% area, and even that is pushing it. I also don’t enjoy liquor, so I suppose someone who

Yeah, she’s 100% right. The fear of this happening is in the back of my mind literally every morning when I send my kids off to school. I don’t really want to be confronted by it when I watch a light-hearted sitcom to unwind. 

The biggest reason I don’t have a current-gen console is I simply don’t have that much time for gaming these days. That has started to improve somewhat as my kids have gotten a bit older. BG3 is the game that may finally push me to get a new console. I previously thought it would be Starfield, but I’m underwhelmed by

I’m lucky in that I get 4 weeks of vacation in addition to automatically getting the Christmas-NY period off, which is really like having 5 weeks of vacation. Despite that I usually only use 1-2 days from Jan-Jun. This is mostly because I have kids who are in school, and I prefer using my vacation when I can do things

To me that truck just looks impractical to be used as a truck. That short bed + toolbox doesn’t leave much usable space. 

I don’t live in the south, but that’s how my family is. One of my annual contributions is mac and cheese that I started making ~20 years ago. My culinary skills have improved greatly over that time period, and I’d like to try a new recipe that I think would be an improvement to the old one, but I’m afraid there would

I still don’t have a current generation console, but the Xbox’s superior controller is what kept me an Xbox person from the 360 onward. I simply find offset sticks to be much more comfortable. Same goes for the concave shape on the sticks. 

That’s what I thought about Luanne as well. For me though it’s more a quality of the show thing. I was never personally a huge fan of Luanne’s character and could live without her being there. I can’t imagine liking the show nearly as much without Dale. 

I think people would definitely get used to it. Hell, watch an early episode from season one and it’s startling how different Johnny Hardwick himself did the voice from what it became later.