This is a silly list. Most of these are low volume vehicles that are expected to be low volume vehicles. A better look would be year-over-year sales or share of the segment they compete in.
This is a silly list. Most of these are low volume vehicles that are expected to be low volume vehicles. A better look would be year-over-year sales or share of the segment they compete in.
Naturally there are a lot of cars there as well, including the limo John F Kennedy’s assassination limo.
I feel the same way. Unless there is some monumental breakthrough in carbon capture technology we are f’ed. I’m not saying we should stop trying or anything like that, I’m just not optimistic. We can all make sensible decisions as individuals, but that’s not going to be nearly enough unless we all decide to go back to…
Mick did do double duty in 2012, I remember that episode. Interest that he popped up in two sketches this past weekend after we were talking about him.
Just a nitpick here, but Stephen Colbert’s show is on CBS, which is an over-the-air network. You do not need cable to watch it :)
Yeah, I really need to migrate over there, I don’t know why I haven’t yet. It doesn’t appear to be behind a paywall either.
I don’t notice it as much around here, but most of the time when I see an article about The Stones there are the inevitable comments that they need to hang it up. I saw them on their last US tour two years ago, and it was an amazing show. While Keith has certainly lost a few steps, Mick is just unbelievable. He is…
I don’t believe Mick Jagger hosted this episode, but the time he appeared as Keith Richards alongside Mike Myers playing Mick was hilarious. I can’t seem to find a good unedited video of it.
I miss the days when this site wrote interesting features about cars, car culture, and the automotive industry instead of combing the web for articles to be outraged about.
Any advice that begins with the word never. I’m particularly thinking about “never buy new”, or “never lease a car”. It’s true that buying new or leasing don’t usually make the most financial sense, but not everything in life is a dollars and cents decision. It’s up to an individual to understand their own financial…
There are many reasons why there are differences between policing in Europe and the US, not the least of which is that a cop in the US has to work under the assumption that there is a high likelihood any random person is armed. It is not nearly as simple as you are making it out to be.
While the description doesn’t specify a time period, it’s sure written as if the driver sped off and more or less immediately crashed. You’re right, there “may” have been a chase, but that certainly takes a whole lot of speculation. The headline and body of this article either attempt to grossly stretch the truth or…
Yeah, I strongly disagree with the assertion that ending traffic stops will make us all safer. Unless there are facts missing, the death of the person in this story is 100% the fault of the driver of the vehicle, not the police.
It’s obviously tragic that an innocent person was killed. It’s also likely the driver would not have hit that particular parked car if the cop hadn’t flipped their lights on. That said, is the cop just supposed to ignore someone driving recklessly? I’m far from being a Blue Lives Matter person, but I also recognize…
“This past Tuesday, a Vallejo cop flipped on his red and blues in response to what the department’s PR department called “reckless driving.” Rather than slowing down or stopping, the driver apparently sped off through two intersections before colliding with a parked car”
Eh, hard pass on that one.
I don’t know about that, I’ve been tailgated plenty of times when there is ample opportunity for a person to pass me on the left.
It sometimes seems too sensitive, especially when I’m cramming a bunch of stuff in for a road trip. That said, I much prefer a system like this errs on the side of safety.
If you arrive at the same time the person at the right goes first. I’m talking about when the other person clearly arrived at the intersection before me.
I 100% agree with you. I like tinted windows and understand them to a point. Once they become so dark that people outside of the car can’t see the driver I feel like it is a safety issue, as it’s impossible to have that non-verbal communication with the other driver that can be important at times.