
The brake checking is bad, but how are they not yielding to faster traffic? They suggested that the other drivers can pass them, I’d assume they aren’t camping out in the passing lane. 

Then what do you read when you use the bathroom? 

This isn’t so much a violation as it is an annoyance. I’m not sure if this is common everywhere, but I often run into situations at four way stops where I’m clearly not the first person there, and the other person will sit there and then wave me through. Another is a person stopping to let me turn left in heavier

I’m with her. I try my best not to use my phone at all when I’m eating, whether by myself, or with other people. Did you wash your hands before eating? If you’re a civilized person the answer would be yes. Do you scroll through your phone when you sit on the toilet? In public places when you haven’t washed your hands?

Are you talking about the “r word” which I mentioned, or the word at question in the story? The “f word” at issue was never really part of my vocabulary, and I used the other as an example. Either word makes me cringe when I hear it now, but as I tried explaining the one does occasionally come out of me for whatever

I was speaking specifically to the “r word”, which was not only prevalent among my peers, but in media as well. Either you weren’t around during that time, or you weren’t paying attention. I’m not saying that made it okay to say, but there was a whole lot more ignorance back then. Hell, I can think of a popular Green

I worked at a Target store for several years in high school and college. I was amazed at how often people shit in the store, it happened at least twice a year. One time it was a group of teenagers trying to film a Jackass type stunt with a camcorder (this was late 90’s/early 00’s). By far the most common place people

Your friendly reminder isn’t really a reminder to me as prior to seeing this story I had no idea who this dude is, and unless I missed it the article didn’t mention his age. It did mention him being some sort of CoD champion in 2011, so I definitely assumed he was older than he is. F***** was definitely not generally

If ever there was a comment that shouldn’t be buried in replies, this is it. My hat is off to you sir, madam, or whatever your preferred honorific is.

“Please. You don’t just “slip up” and throw that word around unless you use it casually in your everyday life.”

I wasn’t suggesting any of this was a good idea, simply that I don’t see how it qualifies as a grift. To me a grift would be to take someone’s money to rent the RV, then move it or deny them access in some other way. If the vanlord is providing what they said they would provided, however unsafe/unehtical, etc it might

I know opinions vary, but as a viewer I do prefer it when contestants go through one category at a time. I don’t have a problem with the “Forrest bounce”, as it’s within the rules.

The whole grift is largely unregulated, which is why officials want to get a handle on things.”

I guess this is just a sore spot for me. I have two kids and the amount of plastic garbage people give them without a second thought really bothers me. Yes, it was similar when I was a kid, but the cycle needs to be broken at some point. 

My son is in 5th grade, and while Switch wasn’t out when he was born, it’s the always been the current Nintendo console since he started gaming around age 3.5. Prior to buying a Switch I took my Wii out of storage so he could get his feet wet with Mario Kart Wii and the wheel, which proved to be a good introduction

My vote is for Ultra Nintendo Entertainment System. UNES. 

I don’t see these as the type of buckets that are going to get repurposed much, but maybe I’m wrong. It could be that untold numbers of people are currently washing their delicates in McDonald’s buckets from Halloweens past. 

I’ll see you at the hologram tour in 2032!

Basic function as in automatic closing doors? I mentioned a real-world example of a vehicle I own that has an automatic closing door that functions much more safely than the one in the article. Lots of cars have design flaws, some of them are safety issues. It’s on the OEM to address these issues, hopefully before

You Elon panty-sniffers are an odd bunch.