
As a salaried employee at one of the D3 automakers I have so many conflicted feelings about all of this. I absolutely want our represented work force to do well. At the same time I do fear how big wins will impact me. As an example, we have yet to receive our open enrollment information for the upcoming benefit

Regarding mixing bowls, I definitely need some new ones and might consider stainless steel. My mom bought me a set of glass bowls when I moved out 18 years ago, and those are what I still use today. The weight of them doesn’t really bother me, but the largest one has warped over the years to where it is now more of an

Good writeup and I’m glad to see you assuring people that cast iron isn’t some mystical material that needs to be handled with kid gloves the way cast iron fetishists would have us believe. I have two cast iron pans I use regularly, one almost every day, and I always clean them with hot water. I sometimes add a drop

More dangerous than the freeway that existed before?

Jerry was certainly the weakest, but I think he did alright in his own way. Michael Richards was amazing. So much of it with him was physical comedy which is a niche skill, but he was a master. I don’t know if you have the dvd’s and the attached interviews, but it’s clear when he talks that he was so committed to his

I most definitely relate to some of their impulses as well. I agree on your assessment of Elaine, I think she’s a close second to George. She’s also a close second as to who I would name as my favorite character, and on some days she would be first. I’ve grown to appreciate her more and more over the years, mostly

I suspect they mean that the combination of speeding drivers and pedestrians who just cross the street wherever they feel like it with no regard to traffic is even more dangerous on a wider road with more lanes for the pedestrian to cross. 

I honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. I’m 40 years old and have lived in the Detroit area for my whole life. Detroit has been “a city on the rise” for all of that time. Prior to the pandemic I worked downtown for many years. While downtown was marginally better than when I was younger, it has not gotten

I didn’t mean to suggest that being a bad tipper made him an awful person, it was just an example of how George’s worst instincts usually win out. He was trying to be generous but just couldn’t bring himself to go all the way. I do think George is probably the worst of the bunch, and in my eyes there is enough

Remember that the weight conversation can go in both directions. My wife is naturally a very small person, 5'1 and around 95 pounds for pretty much all of her adult life other than during her pregnancies. My two children seem to have inherited her slight build. Our children’s doctor has expressed concerns about their

I think we have a disagreement that we won’t resolve regarding George. While Rick Barr was an asshole, I don’t think that justifies poisoning him. George definitely tried to be nice from time to time, an example is getting the chair for the security guard at Ross’s. It seems like with George his baser instincts usually

I don’t disagree that the LeSabre is a good car, my grandfather had a ‘92 Park Avenue that I loved. That said, there is a unique sort of fun you can have in a big RWD American sedan that nothing else can replicate. 

I agree with Erin with the caveat that I would look for a Grand Marquis instead. I love the Crown Vic, but I prefer it’s slightly classier sibling. 

I think they are mostly bad people, or at the very least selfish, but if they weren’t the show wouldn’t have been funny. As you point out with the pool boy, most of the recurring and one-off characters were not so great either. In my observation Kramer is the most well-intentioned of the 4 main characters, but his

To be honest I’m also a very germ-conscious person, so I would struggle in that situation as well. I like to think I’d jump in and try to help though. 

No, but that’s okay. There is a lid for every pot. 

The carpet was fine that day, and was replaced a year or so later. I now have an elderly dog who is doing his best to ruin it. The carpet will be next to go after he does. 

Jerry also repeatedly drugged a girl to play with her toys. George and Elaine became accomplices in this. Jerry also left a pool boy to possibly die because he was too grossed out to give him mouth to mouth.

A Metallica cover of that song might actually be kind of neat. 

My most real life Larry David moment was pointed out to me by a friend. At my son’s 1st birthday party a friend’s 2 year old kid had some sort of seizure. As you can imagine all sorts of panic (understandably) ensued from his parents. I was definitely terrified as well and calmly called 911. The operator seemed to