
One that didn’t occur to me in my earlier reply was Jerry drugging his girlfriend so he could play with her toys. I love Seinfeld, but that storyline has definitely not aged well. 

One advantage of Fahrenheit is slightly more precision. A while back I spent a couple of weeks in England for work. I could never get the thermostat set how I like it. There is significantly more difference in one degree Celsius than one degree Fahrenheit. Maybe some thermostats in Celsius have half degree

I think having Lisa Kudrow on one half hour show per week was exactly enough Lisa Kudrow for me. I did watch Mad About You a bit simply because my parents did, but it wasn’t really for me, nor was it intended to be at that time. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it, but I always thought it was funny that an episode

For sure on your second paragraph. I don’t think it’s an insult to Kudrow’s abilities as an actor to say she just doesn’t seem like she would have been a good fit for that role. I love both Metallica and The Rolling Stones, but I sure can’t imagine Hetfield and Jagger swapping bands. 

I doubt whatever it is would be an actual reboot. Maybe they would do something on Curb again. As far as Curb goes, you are absolutely missing out on some hilarious episodes if you tuned out a while ago. In particular you missed out on an amazing performance by Tracy Ullman as a recurring character in the most recent

Sure she always came out on top

My opinion of the finale has really changed over the years. I initially hated it, and felt that way for along time. My wife and I would even skip it when watching the series. A while back once I sort of “got” what they were trying to accomplish  I started to feel differently. I certainly wouldn’t include it among my

I don’t recall the details and I’m too lazy to google it, but if I recall correctly the issue was how Lisa Kudrow played the character. I believe she was playing it very meek, and there was a lack of chemistry between her and Kelsey Grammer. Roz’s take no shit attitude was definitely needed to make that role work. 

For those who don’t know, Lisa Kudrow was originally slated to play Roz. How different that would have been. 

I think that’s what draws us to them, they sort of represent some of our worst instincts. In addition to Seinfeld I’m a big fan of Curb, and I often think I would pretty much be Larry David (the character) if I lacked self-restraint.

I don’t know, they could certainly be malicious. George poisoned Rick Barr with Elaine’s help, and Kramer helped Jerry destroy a washing machine in a laundromat. Elaine also kidnapped a dog with Kramer’s help. Those are just a few examples I thought of off the top of my head. 

They should have ended the series with a ‘whimper’. They all just continue with their weird lives, we just won’t be there anymore.

That is fun. I’ve lived in the Detroit area most of my life and have always been accustomed to having CBC available from Windsor. 

If you were unaware, Coneys (the restaurants) are sit-down establishments, their food isn’t really meant to be on-the-go type stuff. 

Regarding your second paragraph, I agree. My first thoughts were Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Office, but as you pointed out there are many examples. I Burrow’s opinion more or less boils down to an old guy being an old guy. 

Does the Frasier/Freddie relationship ever address the fact that Frasier was an absentee father? I always thought it was funny how you had to sort of ignore the fact that Frasier was a terrible father to enjoy the original series. 

You clearly don’t remember that the Dr. Frasier Crane show expanded to Spokane :)

You’re lucky you can disable it, that isn’t an option on all vehicles that have it. 

This is just a silly response. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should always do it that way. Modern backup cameras give you an unobscured look behind your car, something that is literally impossible to do with mirrors and a head turn. It doesn’t matter how good your skills are, it is safer and more

Very different sandwich. The fluffy pita makes a huge difference vs what KFC had.