
Angela Lansbury was looking for inspiration for her "stories."

Summer Camps were named dumb things that sounded, kind of, native american. A lot of activities at camps are built around that theme - powwows and such.

Sometimes. It's hard for many consumers to remove that context, however. I grew up watching the Cosby Show. There is no way I could watch it now knowing what I know.

I just learned that Sidney FUCKING Poitier directed that movie. I must have seen it fifty times when I was a kid (a friend owned it on VHS). It's horrible, and it blow my mind that Poitier directed it.

This is a really complicated, really personal issue.

*clears throat loudly to get everyone's attention*

Is Thursday Kinja day?

It's incredible that *this* is an acceptable excuse to Trumpists. "Oh, he's just too fucking stupid to know nazis were bad!"

I'm just glad it might catalyze more female-led/directed movies. I could give a fuck about what studio makes 'em.

It would break my heart to hear jimmy carter say "fuck."

I know so many people who love trump solely based on contempt for the media

If I had a time machine the first thing I would do is go back and stop Obama from making fun of Trump at the press dinner.

All of the babies conceived during totality are going to turn into bloodthirsty killers on their tenth birthdaysz

Coast to Coast is, at least, fun,

That "attack" is some of the fakest looking bullshit I've ever seen. I assumed it was some kind of scripted promo or something for Jones' show. The attacker is acting like a wrasslin' heel with his over the top mannerisms and general sniveling schtick.

Yea, I'm honestly not a doom and gloom dood. I just thought it was a funny quip. A little doom joke, you know? I wish I was visiting redwood national park!

It will be a start..


You are hitting home. My dad called me a "bobble head lookin' motherfucker" when he came to visit me in the hospital. He was right.

I work with a lot of alcoholics who are just coming into the rooms off of the street. I see too many people in that kind of shape who won't go to the hospital because they don't have insurance. Just another reason I support nationalized healthcare.