
"Good news, boppers. The big alert has been called off. It turns out that the early reports were wrong. All wrong. Now, for that group out there that had such a hard time getting home, sorry about that. I guess the only thing we can do is play you a song."

"Good news, boppers. The big alert has been called off. It turns out that the early reports were wrong. All wrong. Now, for that group out there that had such a hard time getting home, sorry about that. I guess the only thing we can do is play you a song."

So it goes.

So it goes.

So it goes.

I was like "how am I going to snark back at this?" But, when you're right, you're right.

(w)horcon?! Sign me up!

They booed antifa and not the KKK.

Has there ever been a President so desperately trying to incite a violent cultural conflict in his own country? That entire speech was nothing but decisive rhetoric and dog whistles to racists and general pieces of shit.

This place has meant a lot to me over the past decade or so. It has, in a very real way, changed the way I consume pop culture. I've had personal relationships that developed here, friendships and more, that have impacted my life in a good and bad ways, but to say it is just a website comment section would really be

*walks in wearing placard that says THE END IS NEAR*

That was exactly my first thought when reading this article.

Everyone in Westeros has a lil flute they play a tune on and a tornado comes swooshing in and transports them to wherever they would like to go on the map.

In Scorsese I trust. Todd Phillips? Not so much.

MDMA is one of the slight reservations that I'm working on in sobriety. I love it. It's, hands down, my favorite drug. But, I also recognize I can't touch stuff. It's one of the few things that if someone stuck it on a table in front of me I'd struggle with.

I'm going to miss you, Easy!

Yea, it's really bad. Beyond being shallow, it's boring.

"I wanna open a Jamaican/Irish/Spanish small plate breakfast restaurant and call it Tapas the Morning to Ja." - Harris Wittels.

It doesn't really sound like it. It's what some lame, white suburban dad thought sounded native american in 1954 or whatever.

I was just listening to a thing on public radio about appropriating culture and nonsensical "Indian" camp names was something they discussed.