
I wouldn't be surprised if there is more alt right violence this weekend and he is certainly inciting it.

I'm paying around $200/mo. for cable, so I'm considering not having it very soon myself.

Trump is slipping, man. He's always been awful, but this last week was next-level bonkers as far as his behavior goes.

Who doesn't do that tho?

I like "Avenues and Alleyways" by Rancid, "Unity" by Operation Ivy, and "Nazi White Trash" by Leftover Crack.

You know, I've dated conservative women, republicans and ones that would probably consider themselves libertarians. I'm old enough now that some have went on to be true blue, GOP-supporting, mini-van driving soccer moms. So, although I'm a socialist and a pretty politically radical person, I can be open minded on an

If Trump wasn't born into wealth and a brand the man wouldn't be competent enough to be the assistant manager at an Arby's. I'm not even insulting the man, I really believe that.


Nirvana Unplugged is one of the best live recordings ever produced.

I watch MTV Classic a lot lately. They play blocks of videos, usually sorted by decade or genre. It's good background television and sometimes you catch an old Motorhead video or something.

You fucking know that burns Trump's ass. God, I love it.

That would be my secret agenda for inviting them to blow up a racist monument.

If I was King of the United States I'd have Atlanta's own Outkast dynamite Stone Mountain on national television.

This is a dude who fucking earned a statue:

What a fucking thing to tweet in response to a terrorist attack.

Dik, you see what Trump tweeted about Pershing? Holy shit,dude.

There are a lot of Confederate monuments around Gettysburg. Also, little shops selling confederate flags and really aggressive bumper stickers about heritage not hate and other pro confederate shit. In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Well, the President of the United States just tweeted about how we need to tie up Muslim prisoners of war, slaughter pigs in front of them, soak the executioners bullets in pig's blood in front of the condemned and then dump the pig's entrails over their bodies in a mass grave.

When Trump starts his "fake news" shtick it fills me with such uncontrollable rage. I can't believe a reporter hasn't been like "OH, FUCK YOU!" to his face yet.

With his little hand gestures and limited vocabulary. Even his supporters know he's a fucking addled mess, right? I mean, they can't think this guy actually has the facilities to be a good leader? I guess just having their stooge in the white house is enough.