
I'm sure you can google and find it. It was some kind of MLM-type company for self defense.

Say what you will about Stern, he's assertive and quick on his feet. And yea, he punked Trump a lot.

I can't even handle that. Seriously. It's too cute.

The fact that he tried to spin this with that petulant tweet is so fucking cowardly and juvenile.

Annie Clark is the coolest.

I worry about emotionally fragile men like this thinking they are being oppressed. I mean, he was pretty heavily armed at that rally. And he is a fragile little snowflake. I know that nazi scum turned his car into a weapon, but imagine if some yells the wrong thing at an idiot like this and he starts shooting? And

It catalyzes the poopening for me.

*woooooing noise like the studio audience on full house*

I'm reading "A New Pair of Glasses" by Chuck "C", an AA approved reading recommended by my sponsor. Very folksy and old-school, but some good practical advice about livin'.

It's so nice and easy compared to old-school
Weed smoking.

I'm named after two Eastern European immigrant coal miner relatives (first and middle), because I live in hellish post-industrial Pennsylvania and so did my ancestors.

She's pretty hot for a nazi sympathizer.

I know it hasn't been good in years, and its a little strange that it is still on, but it still hurts my simpson's loving heart that people mock the show and dont even remember *good* simpsons.

I like the cut of your jib.

nah, I said fuck trump, white nationalism and nazi. BAM moderated!

Huh, It appears that using the word Na zi has gotten me moderated?

Trumpism is now firmly aligned with White Nationalism. It was always a tacit thing, but today was a line in the sand. Fuck Trump and especially fuck his supporters. That old man in a red MAGA hat at the grocery store? He supports nazis. Guy in front of you with a Trump bumper sticker? nazi collaborator. Remember this.

Jeeeeezus, Jessica Chastain.

Motherfucker is beautiful and I like its radical connotations.

Fuck is a fantastic word. Probably my favorite. I love it for emphasis. It feels good to say, in anger, in joy, to express pain, to express pleasure. Fuck is fuck a good fucking word.