
Grant should have summarily executed him at Appomattox. He could have done it, sent word to Lincoln that they surrendered and Honest Abe could still have saved faced while trying to reconcile the country.

It's harder than you think!

Just "the jews" will probably be acceptable if we keep going down this path.

All the right wingers I know are already crying false flag about the terrorist act perpetrated by the alt-right scum.

This is a hell of a dangerous precedent now.

I know they vote left, or liberal, at least. My closest buddy that lives in that town is retired from years of fighting keystone state skins when he and I were younger men. He's tough as fucking nails, so maybe getting back in the street fighting game part time.

I'm a history buff, mainly American history, and I often have people ask me how I can support he dismantling of confederate monuments when I consume so much civil war history and have old broadsheet civil war era recruiting posters and such on the walls of my office. And what you say is 100% correct. Confederate

They even suck at being good racists.

It is alarming that even people who have conservative or nationalist views don't think to themselves "Christ, this Trump guy and most of his dudes are catastrophically stupid." Even if you agree with Trumpism, you have to see that he is addled if you are paying even half attention. Fuck, he told the Governor of Guam

To be fair, I often see more rebel flags in small Pennsylvania towns than I do when I travel in the south.

This alt-right march is Virginia would be funny for its ridiculousness if it wasn't so frightening to consider what these fuckface scum white nationalists actually think.

"Leathery Male Nipples" is a gross combination of words that I don't like one bit.

JLaw looks fantastic on that cover and this is a really ridiculous pile of bullshit. Like everything on the alt-right. They are just prick contrarians for the sake of being prick contrarians.

Any instances of Eve being crazy hot this episode?

I've been commenting there a little. I posted about my struggle with anxiety versus ambition on a mental health thread yesterday!

Kinja will probably force me to stop commenting here in general.

Reading the comments on this article, and on quite a few other articles in the past couple of weeks -including ones where the commenter threatened to "find out where I live and kill me and my family" for disagreeing with him and one where the author suggested if I were honest with myself I'd realize how bad

I was involved with hiring in two very different companies, a restaurant and a publishing business. And at both places the owners had us scour prospective employee's social media for instances of poor character or, especially, for signs of them bitching about their current work. It was an immediate disqualifier.

My true opinion is that I accept and love my gay friends. I don't think they are "wrong" in the slightest. To the contrary, I think that bigot homophobic scum are wrong and take comfort in knowing that they are soundly losing.

Almost a spit take.