
Jesse Hughes seems like a legitimately troubled person, though. A lot of his political beliefs stem from paranoia and alienation. Probably because he is a weirdo, rollerblading, desert speed freak.

Was she Britannica?

This book is absolutely harrowing and raises some very good ethical (and human) questions. I'd be completely rapt reading some of the chapters, only to discover that I had tears on my face when I got to the end of them. It's an astonishing piece of reporting.

I didn't like it. It seemed like low-rent Louie or something.

God, this show was a delight. Who knew Maron could be so good?

QotsA is the most consistently awesome rock act out there. I'm always stoked for new material.

Homme is awesome, so he can do his hair however his giant viking ass desires.

Can you imagine Trump engaging plane-hijacking terrorists in hand-to-hand combat? Can you imagine that fuck trying to throw a punch. Such a tough-guy alpha male.

Trump is a goddamn idiot. The man cannot put together a cogent sentence.

Is this jawn any good?


I like Guy Fieri. His "personality" is ridiculous and I would never want to eat in his restaurant, but he seems alright. He is fun to make fun of, but I'd hate to think I was doing it in a mean spirited way.

I bet Clinton feels relief at some level that she doesn't really have to deal with this bullshit anymore. It's like when you apply for a better position at a kind of shitty company, sure you could use the money and the job would look good on your resume and might bring some prestige and authority, but when you get the

I can't imagine being a black man in our society. That was a goddamn snuff video.

Straight up murder of a black man who was complying, all caught on fucking tape. It is goddamn insane that there isn't anything being done about this.

I just shake my head and say "oh fuck you" when I drive by it.

I don't understand how AVACADO works, for I am a dumb.

Her career is mostly over, right? It seems like her primary platform is raging on facebook status updates.

Right? I did hiring and firing as a division manager for a few years. I cannot imagine having an employee (or boss) like this.

To be fair, a lot of the Bernie Bros I know went in for Stein (a woman). But, your point still stands. Those guys act like goddamn infants about the democratic primary. Seriously, like goddamn children who have no sense of history or how things work.