
Paul Simon - Graceland

Well, it fucking worked. Good work, Einfeld.


I know plenty of Bernie bros who are still seething cauldrons of sexist bullshit. Whenever Trump does something dumb, so pretty much daily, they are like "If that stupid bitch Hillary wouldn't have rigged the primary we would be in a socialist utopia right now!"

What a fucking scumbag.

The combination to unlock the lock on my BMX bike when I was a teenager was 420, because I was edgy AF, bro.

I cannot imagine any information needing to be that secure.

I mean, you admit to either being a. an actual bigot or b. an edgelord internet badass. Do you dispute either of those?

Fuckin' rich-kid day camp.

I don't think it is an issue of being able to be pissed about all of these periphery things. I don't even mind the duck story on this site from yesterday. It's an issue for me, because even on NPR yesterday, they reported that these kind of no-fly zones are just what happens. With every President.

Every modern President has inconvenienced the towns they choose to visit on vacations. This is completely normal and run-of-the-mill. President Obama's presence regularly imposed a no-fly zone around Martha's Vineyard etc. etc.

Aberdeen looks horribly sad in all of those Cobain/Nirvana docs.

Bro, you're so goddamn edgy. I can't even handle all this edge.

You don't have a sex room in your office?

That is the worst fucking format for anything ever.

How the FUCK do these things get through the many stages of development. Like, an app update for a major company in the app game has to have at least a couple dozen eyes on it before it goes live, right? It's unfathomable that not one person was like "LOL are you guys fucking nuts?"

Living up to your username!

Goddamn, I'm batting a thousand then.

I drank until my liver and pancreas stopped functioning and then I literally couldn't eat.

These seem like all futile, silly gestures. However, Trump is such a fucking moronic infant that I actually have hope that things like this hurt his fragile lil feelings.