

Glenn is going to dump a pile of bricks in JLaw's front yard!

The hip-hop I remember and had access to in '97 was stuff like "I'll Be Missing You" and "Mo Money, Mo Problems." Punk was where it was at for me for some release and political awareness.

Give 'em the Boot was the best compilation series.

*sighs sadly*

I'm really not trying to virtue signal or anything. I do ponder the fact that I've led cops who had their guns drawn on foot chases and shit versus the things I see young black men literally get killed for. It's fucking bonkers. It's even more bonkers that some of the guys I was out committing crimes with in those

Remind them that they were the generation that lost Vietnam. They like that.

That's pretty cool.

Hey, I have a journalism degree and have experience working at print newspapers and barely make over minimum wage! I mean, going to school for journalism isn't fucking up, right? RIGHT?! *sobs*

I did things while under the influence/holding drugs that would, without a doubt, would have gotten me shot or, at least, badly beaten, if I wasn't a white guy. I really believe that. I've physically tussled with cops. I've ran (on foot) from cops. Sure, I've been arrested and charged, and have had them pull their

I think all of these angry white conservative men who graduated from high school in the 1970s and bitch about millennials all day actually believe they fought in WWII and are the hardest motherfuckers around. They watch too much History Channel, I think.

Limbaugh is fucking good at what he does. His politics are goddamn abhorrent, but he is a skilled radio show host.

I hate that I know this, but it's odd that Limbaugh is railing against phones, especially Apple products. The guy is a serious, serious Apple fanboy and often discusses innovations in tech and even gives the newest Apple products, like iPhones, away to his listeners.

The court is very fucking nigh!

I'll never not love the flashbulb sound effect.

I thought they were awesome! I loved Star Wars when I was a kid, but was stuck watching it on VHS tapes that were recorded off television, commercials and all. I was stoked to be seeing it on the big screen. I had absolutely no idea that people were up in arms about it, because "internet" was still something like two

I'd tell 13 year old me that wearing a short-sleeved button down open over a graphic t-shirt is not a good look. And that wallet chains are for bikers and bikers only.

1997 was like my "coming of age" summer - lots of great memories of hanging out with my friends, seeing the Star Wars trilogy on the big screen, my first "real" kiss with a girl - which I can still remember, however corny that is. It was on a street corner, under the sign "Second and Eurana," the first time I smoked a

DUDE. Dude. Doodz.