
I wonder how that would play out? What post-Trump Trumpism would look like? Who would stay in the Pence administration? Would the agenda change radically?

Yea, laughing at transphobic shit is something you should apologize for.

That is fucking bonkers.

Roseanne is one of my favorite sitcoms, but even as a fan I wouldn't care if they just pretend the last season didn't happen. Just use a title card waving it off and move forward. If the new season is good no one will care.

I woke up to a flooded motherfucking basement today and it has me so goddamn angry that I think it is going to be my super villain origin story, because I just want to watch the world burn now.

"AIDS Kills F*gs Dead" - a t-shirt that Sebastian Bach would wear onstage at the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 80s while playing with Skid Row.

I know you are being sarcastic, but I'm actually a working class, cishet, white man who is a married homeowner in a fairly rural and somewhat backwards area. I'm also a practicing Christian.

I own guns. I like to shoot targets. Many of my friends and family do too.

Guys, get help. No matter what you are struggling with, it can and will get better.

Word up, I get Dunkin coffee almost daily. I can't remember the last time I got a donut.

Back in the 90s when I was a teenager and working in shitty fast food places, I once saw one of the older guys working at one (a Burger King) dip his nuts in a customer's milkshake because the guys was being a prick. I'm thinking this stoner 20 year old fast food employee might have been on to something…a new

I like Dunkin' Donuts. Like, a lot. It is one of my guiltiest pleasures, because I'm very much an asshole who turns my nose up at fast food.

Was it HDB's submission? Sounds like his work.

I met him at the Jersey Shore when MTV was there one summer. Him and Fat Spice. Christ, I'm old.

It was lame that they only played 30 second clips of videos a lot of the time.

Fevre Dream is so good.

Thanks for confirming that jumping ship last week was a good move!

When i was growing up my friend's family had one of those satellite dishes that were like eight feet in diameter and moved to get signals. You could watch it adjusting from the living room window and it always made me feel like I was in mission control when channel surfing trying to find USA up all night.

I'm only 33 and had bunny ear antennas on televisions at my parents and grandparents growing up, and still have them at some cabins and such I visit.

Of course, of course. He isn't a black guy holding crack, so no big deal. I wonder how long before Sessions brings back disproportionate sentencing for minority and poor people drugs of choice.