This is a school district one hour north of downtown Philadelphia.
This is a school district one hour north of downtown Philadelphia.
I'm still reading Battle Cry of Freedom, a one-volume Civil War history. I'm usually a pretty fast reader, but there is so much going on that the book demands a close and careful read. It's also fantastic and the information is presented in a really readable way that makes an exciting narrative out of what could be…
That's exactly it. These nutcases can't win elections for anything that is seemingly important. But, they'll turn the county dog catcher position into a radical alt-right "in" to local government.
He recently resigned because school board meetings were turning into just being about during public comment - parents were getting more and more pissed about his obvious trolling and strange behavior. Among other things, he posted a public comment on social media that referred to the students as "rotten crotchfruit"…
I am a Pennsylvanian and had quite a few people I know of different political stripes attend this rally. One, a local school board member and tea party nutcase, went and openly carried a rifle in case any antifa "caused trouble." He has been posting photos of any "fat" liberal protesters he could find in a facebook…
I enjoy that the bible thumpers who lobby to get prayer back in public schools and the bible into textbooks are also the most fanatical about the apocryphal "SHARIA LAW IS BEING IMPLEMENTED ALL OVER THE COUNTRY" bullshit.
I didn't think I had a "side." I just think Trump is a semi-literate asshole who is either actually extremely stupid or just too arrogant to bother learning about anything. Which, functionally, are the same thing.
Even good, non-disastrous, music festivals tend to suck. I don't know why I went to so many - probably a combination of drugs and the eternal hope that the next one would be better. It always ends up a shitty combination of being insanely hot and dirty while watching 20-minute sets by bands that you mostly don't want…
In what galaxy is Donald Trump "smart?"
What a bummer to see so many great people play such shitty music.
I bet they closed with Skinny Marink a dink a dink, didn't they?
I had a natural 20 CHAR roll!
I bet the puppers would like that!
I liked Hanging with Mr. Cooper. No one seems to remember that jawn in the 9:30 slot.
If I could figure out a way to fleece these "Rich Kids of Instagram" motherfuckers out of thousands of dollars, and make them sleep in FEMA-style tents to boot, I would not lose one single second of sleep about it.
I wake up by the 4 a.m. cacophony of 100 neighborhood dogs barking and freaking out at the paper delivery person! It's awesome. 11/10. Would recommend.
*rage convulsions*
One of the only shows, if not the only show, that really captured what life was like for my family in the 80s/90s. Not specifics, of course. But, it got working class right.
I'm so glad other people remember that idiotic game. We used to play it in cub scouts. You know, where they teach you to be good, gay-bashing citizens.