*eats entire YA novel*
*eats entire YA novel*
See, on its face it sounds stupid. It makes it easy for people to point and be like "liberal arts majors are idiots!" Especially being Berkeley and all. But, using Dothraki as a framework to teach about language creation seems perfectly cromulant to me. Using a familiar,"cool" thing to teach something more complex is…
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA… *takes deep breath* hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahaha *snorts comically* hahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Looking for Trump's inner life seems like a fool's errand. When you look into the man's eyes, to borrow a phrase from Herzog, you see nothing but flat stupidity. That stupidity, as the review notes, leads him to act out on his most base instincts with no regards for decency: wanting to fuck every woman after rating…
Simple two step process:
Yea, I'm pretty good at hustlin'. I've had to run through airports before. But, the security checkpoint always, ALWAYS fucks me up. It doesn't matter how polite I am or how calmly I explain my situation…if I'm in a hurry I either get pulled for the deluxe sensual rubdown by the TSA agent or just have someone moving…
Holy shit, Billy. I respect your determination. When others would have quietly accepted the shit that life handed them, you stepped up to the plate. You did not go quietly into that good night! You raged. Raged!
I don't like Blade Runner at all. I think it is a total snoozefest and I enjoy plenty of slower films.
I don't know anything about this band, but this is a pretty good song.
He looks like the 23 year old dude who shows up at high school parties that everyone hates but tolerates because he can score half gallons of Banker's Club. You end up having to kick his ass at some point for getting handsy with someone's 15 year old sister.
That double negative sounds more stupid than anything in The Thong Song.
Communist african Americans tend to be pacifists.
Copperheads are goddamn hard to see. I've walked up on them quite a few times.
Well, all of those kidnapped children do take up a lot of room.
95% of the time pleas like that would rub me as desperate and would turn me off, but I've been through a rough time the last year, lost a job in media and, kind of conceded defeat and took a regular job at a seafood seller and kind of just backed down from a lot of my ambitions in favor of stability. I respect that…
One thing that's good about having a giant head: I don't have a history of silly hats.
I love that Flogging Molly track.
One day at a time, bruh.
I cannot believe that self-respecting, patriotic AVClubbers go to Comet Ping Pong.