Next time, keep your asinine opinions about other people’s medical conditions to yourself.
The amount of bullshit you just laid out is amazing.
Lifehacker regularly posts about how to survive a nuclear attack. Good brand synergy there, Drew.
There are several differences:
And I think it’s seriously under-diagnosed.
That’s a really special place you grew up where you were told if you cant’ do your homework, go ride a bike. I was told, can’t do your homework, you flunk, you failure.
Ritalin doesn’t give a person with ADHD an edge, it gives them equal footing.
Also, would avoid the thorny situation of having to go to Russia.
If an actor has the range to play a character like Cliff Huxtable, clearly that actor is not capable of committing rape because deep down he must have Cliff Huxtable qualities.
He’s not Cliff Huxtable, he’s a goddamn actor, lady.
No, no one gets used to that if they live in America and talk to Americans and read any other American-written English.
Right... your own team and your own city are cool, and we all grew up playing soccer, so it’s as much our game as anyone else’s... we don’t need to copy European fandom.
It’s mostly stupid.
You clearly aren’t familiar with just how pretentious American soccer writers are.
No... in the UK they refer to soccer teams as plural, even as they are written as singular things. American soccer writers imitate, even though it looks pretentious.
It’s also possible that Harper is an asshole AND Strickland is a cunt.
It is really weird the way Posey not only just stands there initially, but actually starts wandering backwards as Harper charges... it’s only after the ump finally makes it to the mound and an actually fracas broke out that Posey starts jogging out.