
Thanks Kotaku

I had bukkake many times while living in Japan. You need to be careful where you go to get it, though, as many places make it kind of bland. The good restaurants make it flavorful.

I’m imagining tourist bros staggering into Osaka noodle houses, saying “Yo gimme some of those cum noodles!”

Bonkey Kong

As an incredibly immature child in an adult’s body, I really appreciate that they left you to option to still call it by it’s proper name.

So, does this play at all like DJ Hero? I’ve been itching to play that again.

No, for real. Harmonix kinda missed the mark by not putting more electronic bangers here, because this sort of DJ-style game is the prefect kind to have EDM tracks on.

I might be interested if there was some harder EDM or some Future Bass/Electro artists, but these artists just don’t excite me at all.

Would be nice to have some JEDM artists too. 

Patreon is definitely a better model for content creators.

Still not seeing why someone would choose this option over Patreon—like, how many people will honestly be willing to shell out 5$ a month for one channel they like when they can plop down 1$ a month across five channels they like, but maybe aren’t as popular? Or pay-per-upload?

He was the one of the players who propelled League of Legends to its current glory... remember “Total Biscuit of Rejuvination”? that was an item named after him from League of legends referral program where you needed to draw in 10k + players to play League of legends.

Over the last decade, TB has had a monumental impact on gaming. From his consumer-first attitude to his tireless championing of indie games and smaller studios to putting his money where he mouth was and starting his own E-sports team. There are very few areas of the industry that TB didn’t touch in his short but

So misogynists regularly have their wife or female co-host run their podcast on a semi regular basis? I was under the impression that a misogynist would never leave a woman in a position of power in any situation.

He spotlighted indie gaming more than any other Youtuber before him, put an emphasis on better performance, options menus, and console ports (iirc devs actually would improve their future products based on his criticisms, but don’t quote me on that), and created a style of video that many after him would emulate and

Warframe only exists as it does today because of his video. That entire studio was completely out of money until he made a video on their game and it boosted their income. They just cancelled their planned livestream today because of his death. The hosts were crying as they delivered the news.

He had opinions. You didn’t like them. Clearly that means he deserved his fate. The amount of jealousy from nobodies on this site is tragic.

Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?

RIP Totalbiscuit.

At least Valve’s owning up to it, unlike what Capcom did with their $200 Infinity Eggs.