Do you wanna get an omnic uprising? Because that’s how you get an omnic uprising.
Do you wanna get an omnic uprising? Because that’s how you get an omnic uprising.
...and then the difficult part begins: teaching them how to love.
Looks like that one guy wasn’t talking out of his ass.
If I had a gaming stream that brought me more revenue than what my current job would bring in, then streaming would be my job. I won’t knock their hustle.
First off, why the fuck is a 12 year old streaming.
One-tricks don’t take team cohesion into account, they only play the one class and don’t care what everyone else is doing. This pretty much guarentee’s a loss for that players team. When this happens to you 5 times in a row, where people are picking snipers in a match that requires you to put bodies on a control point…
Mercy was the most meta-restricting hero in the game, so it’s definitely good that this is happening. I do wonder if this means the meta will change such that we don’t see every high level match contain a Genji, Winston, and Tracer on each side too. (Be nice to see mah bae Sombra out there a little more often.)
The only nerf she needs is shorter range on her damage beam, because its ridiculous how far away she can hit from.
TALK TO ME! These guys need to be paired at every EVO. Passionate, articulate, and fun to listen to. If you weren’t hyped about Guilty Gear, you were at the end of that riff.
That bracket reset was the hypest thing I’ve seen on Twitch. And man that fighting games speech was amazing.
It’s amazing how many people go around saying that video games should be allowed to do whatever they want because “it’s not real” and then in the same breath claim that video games obviously shouldn’t do something because it’s “unrealistic”.
“They like skinny girls cuz they’s pussies.”
Screw the rules, he has money!
Buys card. Rips it to shreds. “Now no one can use it against me! Bwahahahaha!”
Also, a philosophical question: if you had the power to create an exact copy of any object you touched, no matter how large or complex, without needing any additional energy input... are you stealing the objects you copy?
My biggest problem with software ‘piracy’ is that calling it theft is a misnomer in the first…
I’m not saying I’m in favor of piracy, but theft of physical goods really isn’t the same thing.
I stopped for two reasons. Viruses. They’re full of viruses, but the other one was Steam. Thanks to Steams low prices I could afford triple A titles.
When games begin to be “worth” the money charged to play them you will see a marked decrease in piracy that happens “just because.” There is no reason a four-to-six hour game should be 60$ even if, like Bloodborne, the replayability of the game is decent-to-high.
Boy, you sure proved him right by focusing on GamerGate rather than his game in 90% of the article.