oh I agree, ice is a bitch and a half to drive on, but it is do-able.
oh I agree, ice is a bitch and a half to drive on, but it is do-able.
This isn't, its about people not using commons sense and not driving for the conditions. If I hit my brakes and start sliding it means its slippery out so maybe I should slow down and not make sudden jerky movements.
Here we have tornado's not as often or as bad but we do, we also hit 100f, not for as long as you do but we do.
Yes salted roads > unsalted, but still driving for the conditions makes a large difference
I agree sometimes it will be better to spin out and trust me I'm happy I was able to pull out of it also, I was 15 with a rwd truck with bald tires on an icy highway. If you look where you want to go the majority of the time you can recover. Assuming you don't slam the gas or brakes.
Yes as in the first time I had ever driven was on snow and ice and I had to, figure it out! This was in a RWD truck with bald tires.
I do live in a prairie state, but we live on the side of a valley so we have grades up to 45% or more, I have a fwd vehicle with all season tires on it. Also 6-7 month winters not 11 :P
-5, -10c is nothing... I have breath through shoes and wear them down to -20c. People where I live wear SHORTS in that weather.. its not going to kill you. Atleast not very quickly... give it a few days and with no food or water it could. I normally wear a light hoody up to -10c with no problems staying warm.
we went from 0c to -40 in ONE day... you deal with it... I'd rather deal with 60f-40f... that's fucking peanuts.
I agree snow can be fun to drive in and I do enjoy driving in it.
yes, yes I have, just slow down and don't do anything quickly, slow and deliberately and it will work out fine. Assuming people around you have common sense which they probably don't as common sense isn't very common.
By slowing down when I realize when I hit the brakes I slide... hmmm seems fairly common sense to me!
I've driven on ice covered roads... it sucks ... but if you slow down its not hard to drive on it.
Canada actually, yes our infrastructure is better, yes we deal with this all the time. Yes we drive to the road conditions, and yes driving slowly and making slow movements is just as effective on ice as it is snow.
OMG someone with some common sense thank you!
This isn't an excuse... I started driving in snow before I even knew how to drive well at 15 years old. Use common sense, go slow and don't do anything quickly. No hammering gas or brakes or the steering wheel as that won't help any.
80 km/h is decent highway speed with a snow packed highway. Any faster and you will spin out. Trust me I've watched dumb people doing the "speed limit" spin out on curves all the time.
Its about knowing how fast you can drive for the conditions and don't drive faster then you / your car can handle.
I've driven that also, just need to make sure your driving for the conditions... don't make quick adjustments as it will put you in the ditch... I've driven the highway when I was 15 going 100km/h with lots of icy sections... simply need to do things gradually. No quick movements.
Snow can kill people, but yes bad drivers kill people :P