I've been in a truck when we had a trailer tire blow out. It broke part of the trailer and sounded like a bomb going off. Didn't cause any swerving but was loud as hell. Thankfully it was the tire facing the ditch and no one was hurt.
I've been in a truck when we had a trailer tire blow out. It broke part of the trailer and sounded like a bomb going off. Didn't cause any swerving but was loud as hell. Thankfully it was the tire facing the ditch and no one was hurt.
I guess it wouldn't be good to tell you that i'd like that fox as a hat then...
fyi you may come fast with your vibrator but it makes it harder to come via sex or touching yourself... food for thought.
external websites referencing your website. You can't buy them because google tracks that shit but if you get good legit sites referencing your website it helps immensely.
Don't include me in everyone else, I believe a country can do whatever the hell it decides and the US can stay the fuck out of their business.
It sounds like he said it to get the point across that he would vote for what his constituents wanted even if it was a return of slavery.
Just putting this out there... hyphenated names SUCK.
so... something consensual is now sexual assault? Yes, they asked girls if they could motorboat them for cancer... not exactly the classiest thing in the world but its not sexual assault if its consensual...
I shit up to 4 times a day some days... not sure why I'm sharing but I do...
I drink whiskey... and I'm a 23 year old male... red head thank you
this^ took my girlfriend to pick out rings last weekend so she could let me know what she likes but I get to pick the final ring.
I personally don't condone doing it for the political statement but if it was me I would open carry whether or not the incident happened.
To me walking into a starbucks in newtown or dallas with a open carry is no big deal... yes a terrible incident happened. No people should not have to cater to those who are sensitive about the area/situation.
There is nothing wrong with walking around with an open holster in many states... they have the mentality if you don't use it you lose it... fairly simple really.
except now Australia is having problems because alot of criminals own guns and they know no one is armed so they are literally just walking into houses armed. Taking whatever they want and leaving.... http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013…
guns are used for more then just killing... some guns are specifically made to be very very good target shooters... That's the intention of the gun from thought process to out the door is to make it the best at putting a hole through paper on the bullzye.
ironically... it was another mass shooting in a gun-free zone....
pretty sure their regular equipment involve m16's and a handgun... I'd have to look it up but I remember watching the navy doing drills on their ship and every one of them had m-16's....
I found android easier to navigate... just saying