
I agree... that is ridiculous. Not to mention the person is getting free exercise.

/sigh lazy people... can't say I'm not but I take my dog to the dog park and agility and I also run him with the car so he can stretch out his legs ( he loves this ). Then again I do have a backyard which I hear doesn't exist in nyc...

My lady loves my hairy chest and enjoys me scuffy/bearded. I joked one day that I shaved my chest and she damn near shed a tear.

No one likes handjobs? da fuq?

Reading your partner works to :) that's what I did, learned it all on my own... and I know she likes it between the screams and well... lets just say my bed doesn't stay dry ;)

Before my girlfriend met me she had never masturbated or anything really below the belt (very christian). I've since shown her all about it and now she does it all the time and loves it. I of course would help her but she currently lives 6 hours away T_T long distance relationships do suck ... 2 more months...

hey!!!! I quite enjoyed #3 thank you very much! ruining my obliviousness to just enjoying those movies.

Trust me, alot of people would disagree with you about being better then any country on earth. Whats your unemployment at again? hmmm you broke your leg... how much is that going to cost you? oh and whats this, the police have been tracking a good chunk of their citizens for years now...

chevy cruze

I love company's ... oh I'm sorry we offended this group of people. We will take down the ad campaign we spent millions on so they people who were offended don't have to feel bad.

your comparing apples to grapefruit.... Compare 'Merica to any other 1st world country... 'Merica is turning into a police state right before your eyes and your all to blind to see it.

My Girlfriend is a christian, I could be considered an atheist. Things are going great with us. We just have an understanding between eachother about our own views.

/facepalm keep telling yourself that

They do clean up my dog shit real nice. So aslong as they are outside I don't have a problem with them.

Driverless cars in conception should be less prone to accidents which mean less claims which means more money in their pocket... I don't see them jacking prices... if anything they might reduce as an incentive to switch to one.

He lit some flammable up with the laser.

I hate beans... so thats easy... NO fuck beans


I wonder if this was my issue. I'm a guy and don't eat overly well. I had pretty much lost my sex drive but I started taking a multi vitamin with b6 and its pretty much back to where it was.

How long until you noticed this? My GF is on her 3rd month and is horny as hell.