Going from Alanis to Scarlett to Blake just screeaaams that prefers women who don’t....think too hard.
Going from Alanis to Scarlett to Blake just screeaaams that prefers women who don’t....think too hard.
Photo-op, or hostage situation? Because those eyes were clearly screaming for help.
Beautifully said. He is "meatless" to me now, so let's not Taco bout it.
Like how magical must Blake Lively’s vag be that he’s so willing to quench her thirst?
After my ex freaked out and split, he started dating a 20 year old—that’s half his age. I couldn’t figure out why he’d want to date someone he had nothing in common with and who was born when he was in college. My sister said. “Yeah that’s why he’s into her. He doesn’t have to work hard. There is nothing to work with!”
Ryan. You are calling out dick pic dudes. After your lap-sitting photo op with Tay and Tom, you have lost your calling-out rights.
This. There’s something so juvenile about her “relationships.” Or rather, she seems like she’s stuck in high school. It’s all so cute, until the inevitable happens, then she goes back into teenager mode and writes about the latest who “done her wrong.” She’s a smart business woman but she also strikes me as someone…
I’m with Fool. Taylor Swift always seems stuck at age 16... a textbook case of arrested development. The chronically-attached gaggle of silly BFF’s doesn’t help. And, seriously, what grown-ass man wants anything to do with all that? None of which I know. But if an association with a silly girl-woman is supposed to…
That’s true...I think he has absolutely lost some of the prestige because of this. That doesn’t mean that he maybe miscalculated and thought that higher name recognition would make it more likely. But yeah...I am kinda grossed out by him now...particularly with that fucking ridiculous shirt he wore! How does a grown…
He was internet-famous and an indie darling, but the average American would have no idea who he is.
I can’t honestly say exactly what someone who would do things might be interested in. I do think, however, that what we are learning here is that it’s a very short walk from famous in the US to laughing stock in the US.
Rumor w/ that one is he wants to transition into politics so needs a serious lady wife who is still glamorous enough to be paired with a movie star.
I have no receipts but duly maintain that the Cloontz courtship of, and subsequent marriage to that lady Amal is bull. No way is that for real. I can’t figure out why he’d do it though.
Taylor seems like such a dork that she would be laughing manically about all this - but like ... does anyone actually care? It seems like she’s so bored that she’s more into fucking with the public than actually dating.
I don’t buy the whole ‘commentary on fame’ bullshit. She used to leave clues in her album art for people to figure out who the subjects of her songs are. I don’t think the whole “dating lots of boys” thing is bad at all if anything she seems to date like any other young woman out there...
So is Taylor Swift officially the white girl version of Kanye West?
Yes, I think it's a PR stunt. I just don't think Tom knows this yet.
I have been saying this for the longest time. She reminds me of all the mean girls I went to private school with.
I bet you a million they’ll take their “Taymerica” love all the way until “Taynksgiving”