
I am with you on the point that it’s brave for people to stick up for them throughout all this hate (I myself recall commenting that Jezebel is similar to the popular girl in hs—if she likes you, great; good for you. If she doesn’t, she can make your life a living hell and get everyone else to jump on the bandwagon).

Isn’t she like 27? That’s not early 20's, and the fact that she and “35" years old (dude, please) Hiddleston are acting like goofy teenagers is a big part of the reason people think this relationship is completely fake. It’s unimportant if it is, but they’re inviting people to comment. People are going to comment.

If they’re going to package and commodify their relationship like this for public consumption, which they have every right to do, the public will have opinions. Sure, the reactions can be unseemly, but I don’t think the “poor famous people” narrative quite fits here.

The tank top is the new couch jumping.

He’s had artistic legitimacy, which is from a critical standpoint, worth much more. (He became mainstream with his Loki role.) I love Tay Tay and she is absolutely much more commercially successful in her medium, but her personality is cartoonish and OTT in a safe way... parallel but not exactly similar to Miley

I think that wearing that wife-beater went past the intended target of ‘cheekily trolling the media’ and landed on ‘too thirsty to be Bond.’ In my case, I have always had a benevolent view of him but from now on, I will always see him and remember the shirt. Like PTSD but for second-hand embarrassment.

How insufferable must it be to have to sit through this shit the WHOLE time? You know that it was one ‘oh, we can sit like this! Take a picture’ or ‘oh, do THIS now! for instagram!’. I get that it’s a brand and that as actors and what not this is kind of the norm, but wouldn’t you hope that if you were hanging with

Hostess vibes indeed. A twist. Let’s see if it turns out to be an interesting one or ends up being the same old, same old. Once Taylor gets word of the this kind of speculation, she’s probably going to demand Selena post a pic of them. Saying how she missed out on #TayMehrica

I have fully transferred my allegiance to Hiddles’ look-alike, should-be-brother, JJ Feild.

Most definitely. But I also think he overshot it and he played himself.

I kind of think that he is trolling the masses who are so into disecting their relationship.

I remember earlier this year Taylor had mentioned that she could tell the public was getting sick of her and that she planned to disappear for a while. I really wish she’d taken her own advice, because after all of this I hate her more than ever.

OMG they are TOTALLY this decade’s Ben and JLo

Every day, the second hand embarrassment I get from these photos increases. I didn’t think it could get worse after the I <3 TS shirt, and now we have this, three couples trying their hardest to not look awkward, and failing miserably.

Ladies: Please don't sit on a man's lap in public. Ever. You look like a big, needy child. It's infantilizing. Btw: I'm a woman.

I managed to get through my prime fucking years without wearing a wife-beater saying “I <3 [my lover’s initials]” tho. And thank God, because I’d be so embarrassed about that now! (And I wasn’t even hounded by paps!)

I always thought the Calvin Harris thing was the real deal. Same with Jake Gyllenhaal... and we all have a John Mayer or two in our backgrounds. But you have to admit this level of PDA is unusual.

I totally agree. Somebody (their publicists?) really made a bad calculation here. There is no way for either of them to exit gracefully from this. Especially as they appear to be doubling down on the “this is absolutely a 100% real actual relationship” narrative.

Honestly I don’t see this one ending well for either of them unless they dial it back to look like an actual “A-list” relationship

The best part of this shitshow is how it’s totally shattered the woobified portrait of Tom Hiddleston that certain corners of fandom have bought into. He’s as thirsty and fame-hungry as the rest of them.