
Excuse my language but these fucking vulgarians can just fuck right off. I don’t give a flying fuck what they do to their own lungs in the interest of staying thin but smoking in the GODDAMN METROPOLITAN enrages me. Vapid twits.

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

the governor of kentucky is clearly suffering from a separation of church and state anxiety disorder.

Durr what is this fake news why is there so much Trump in Gizmodo you snowflakes need to get used to it he’s president now you guys never posted this much about Obama her emails are still worse than everything I love Russia.

Political Apprentice

Not even a little bit. That first tweet about how mean Nordstrom was for dropping her line didn’t come from Daddy’s phone, it came from her. She’s the one driving this whining. She’s Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka. (Her father is also Veruca Salt, in a weird twist.)

I have actually been watching the whole episode the last few weeks, which I haven’t done in many years. This cast and these stars, it’s like the old days. I love it.

played, a little bafflingly, by Kate McKinnon

Yea she’s really big into the “girls don’t poop” thing. So I’ve never liked her since then. Hard for women to be seen as equals when we have to pretend we don’t have normal, healthy bodily functions and must be sterile and pristine at all times.

Chelsea Peretti is very interesting to me. On the one hand, I saw her stand-up special and was unimpressed. On the other hand, she’s a standout among standouts on Brooklyn 99. So, happy for her and the hubby!

They’ve enacted this Muslim ban knowing full well that it would be unenforceable but they didn’t care because they knew (rightfully) that it would be the only thing we talk about for a week. That way nobody pays much attention to all of the other horrible shit they’re doing like gutting Dodd-Frank, getting back to

“But Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two sides of the same coin. SEND A MESSAGE! VOTE JILL STEIN! VOTE BERNIE SANDERS! VOTE YOUR MOM! WHAT’S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?”

I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m

BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

Ya .. can’t see the hypocrisy of Trump threatening to lock up Hillary and then within four days of him becoming president he and his staff are using private email accounts. .. ya can’t see it just a little bit?

Maybe I’m not understanding your comment. But, you do see the hypocrisy in them using private email accounts right?

Proud of you that you’ll be attending. Good for you.

I have never been to a protest before. I’ve written things for protests, I’ve talked about going, but I’ve never actually gone. My wife recently went to the Women’s March. I chose not to go to that also...because I’m a coward, because I was afraid of what might happen, and because I was still clinging to some vague