
Just because some saucy tart hurls a fork at you doesn't make you a king. It's not like some bint can come up out of a pool of duck sauce, fling chop sticks at you and make you emperor of PF Changs.

No one threw a plate at an old man. I have a feeling you didn't do well on the reading comp portion of the SATs.

Best Managers Ever should be the theme of the next BCO.

The other day I witnessed a mother grabbing her (13 year old?) son by the front of his shirt and saying "don't you EVER do that again" for being snotty to the cashier at a coffee shop.

I was just thinking she looks like a sexy space alien.

I think for the most part people dislike her because she flaunts her sexuality without a care in the world while she's a mother.

I have big boobs on a smallish torso already, which sounds fantastic to like 13 year old boys, but I'm also a runner and its annoying and I hate them.

Yeah, I'm with you. Holy shit, that body is making me question EVERYTHING


LOL, I feel like a lot of straight women would suddenly feel bi-curious if a girl who looked like Amber Rose was interested in dating them. She's like some kind of futuristic sex robot.

You know who recently made me come to terms with my bisexuality? Robin Wright, from House of Cards. She. Is. Hot. I like older men, but now I know I dig on older women as well, she gets me hot and bothered.

I'm not even bisexual and I would date a girl if she looked like Amber Rose. She is super hot.

While technically she did call Kim a whore, she only did so to point out that Kim and herself are no different from each other sexually, thus Khloe slut shaming Amber makes zero sense.

So...1. I have finally come to terms with my bisexuality and 2. I would undoubtedly date a girl who looks like Amber Rose.

Amber Rose remains one of my top workout inspirations regardless of the fact that I will actually never look like her no matter how hard I work out.

" Just being able to sit and drink my coffee on a Saturday morning without worrying about if he was going to wake up in a shitty mood" that is what every day seems to revolve around. Waking up and seeing if he will be in a bad mod, how I can make his mood better, how can I get out of his way when my attempt to make

You do realize he's utterly terrified of life and using that as an excuse to be a horrible worthless person, right? That he's doing this shit so you'll feel bad enough to never leave him? This and all the other garbage is ground out by his hideous brain on the daily as his own coping method and has no more bearing on

Okay, fuck this gaslighting lying abusive asshole. He's a shit who is terrified you'll leave him and is trying to break you down.

You are entirely right to ridicule this man and his writing. I can tell by the sample that he is an awful person to be around and an unbearable writer. That second sample reads like Yoda was the editor.

I'm starting to dread going to my daughter's school. Fact: all those assholes from your school days grew up, had kids, and are now continuing their asshole ways in the elementary school parking lot.