
Girl I don't know why you thought this comment was cute to post. These Jezebelians are gonna end you. Let me send some prayers your way.

I'm a truly single parent of a super energetic two year old. I have no partner and no family within a hundred miles to lend a hand in the day-to-day stuff and it's fucking hard. Last week I had a bad moment like the one you described. Just loosing my shit angry because my son did something I'd asked him a million

So: I remember a few years ago when I posted something about how my grandma always gave the worst gifts and they were a running joke with the other members of the family. I got about a million comments decrying how I could be so cruel to my dear old Nana, who was trying so hard, and how terrible a person I was for

Pro-tip: no one is honest about parenting on the internet. I'm sure you can see why.

Everytime I hear stories like this it only furthers my belief that the rules for training young children how to behave properly are the same as training a dog.

Oh they were the worst, those year 7 b.c. kids. Always tearing through town on their donkey carts blasting that damned loud Lyre music.

18 months to age 4 can be like pure hell - but your method of withdrawing attention is ideal! It's not always the easiest method, but its pretty damn effective if you can be consistent.

I was just talking about discipline with our pediatrician.

I heard if a woman has had three children, and you put your ear to her vagina, you can hear the ocean.

If you could give less than a fuck, that means you still have some fuck to give. I gaze upon the fields where you grow your fucks and find that the crop has been bad, but it has borne a little fruit.

"Paying attention to your own body's needs" doesn't mean anything. It's something science-averse people on pregnancy message boards say to justify never visiting the OB. How the hell is my body supposed to tell me, unmistakably and in real time, that I'm getting too much mercury or not enough omega-3?

Hell yes.

Ben Ghazi

And at least in that situation—while you were definitely not in the wrong and I'm not defending him—you could see why someone might be desperate enough to be willing to be a huge asshole in an attempt to get needed meds for free if he couldn't pay for them.

A) You're taking this entirely too personally.

Ooooo, burn, "Social Justice Warriors"

I'm guessing "someone like this" means "someone this fucking stupid"

What on earth. The only other time I've noticed Ari was when they were defending Playboy on another post. This person is a douchebag, and I'm now wondering if they're a Playboy-employed douchebag.

See, that's why buffalo wings are so inexpensive. Each buffalo has hundreds and hundreds of those little wings to lift up its big heavy body, so a single buffalo supplies an entire busy restaurant for a night.