
God, finishing this game in early 2017, not long after the big stupid presidential election, was a mind-fuck when I got to the final battle. It was like the writers had jumped into the future and copied down Trump’s entire ethos and distilled it into that bad guy. Hell, he literally says MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Sadistic monsters like this might as well have hung a sign right in front of their offices reading NOBODY’S GOING TO STOP ME.

I think this pretty much sums my feelings up:

I read this story last night and its goddamn awful all over but one thing that really stuck out to me. To the doctors who protected this guy: fuck you. You have a duty to your patients. Not some fucking system. Not your other doctors. If a patient comes to you and you can see there has been dangerous misconduct you.

Do U?

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

Whatever Jimmy. Dance with the Devil and you’re going to get burned. All these fools who thought Trump was a cute little novelty act and ratings gold should take some responsibility for the Frankenstein they created. 

I fucking hate Jimmy Fallon but shit, that was a semi decent response from a genuine dungbeetle.

“Queen Letizia & I enjoyed tea & time together focusing on the ways we can positively impact white children.”

god I hope so

One of my biggest take always from this is that Fallon is a “journalist”????? In what world? Not excusing any of this, whatsoever, but I think calling him a journalist is...aspirational.

That’s the worst apology I’ve ever heard and this year’s had some doozies.

RE: Fallon

OMFG, Fallon, way to channel Regina George here.

I bet the Queen of Spain was side-eying Melania hard during that meeting.

Eat shit, Jimmy. You’re a feckless cunt and a true company man. Enjoy your millions for being mediocre in every way, I’m sure you sleep just fine.