
I think it's impossible not to love really. It's as if something with so much cultural cache was given to Ed Wood.

But you loved wanting to punch him in the mouth, don't deny it.

I won't lie there was a good long time when I thought it stood for "Tender Loving Care".

And then have someone start a parody of it as if Wes Anderson was making it, Bill Murray will have a cameo.

You're right to say that, and to clarify I'm not blaming Serial itself.

I think that it has inspired this level of obsession in people is disturbing rather than great. There are people reacting to it as if it were fiction; waiting for the next chapter, treating real life people like story book characters, and treating the entire situation as an intrigue or drama.

I did think it was satire until the author said they actually owned stuff from the site.

Are you implying that your website doesn't engage in analytics?

I wish her the best but thank god for the A.V. Club's emancipation from these nearly universally awful columns.

Zoolander's cell phone gag is perhaps the most dated gag on film now, great movie though.

I do think Zimmer's score, it was Zimmer wasn't it, has been somewhat underestimated by critics. There is one extremely awkwardly framed scene early on that tries to build tension through some melodramatic musical cues for what seems like a routine docking that only makes sense in its significance later in the movie

What are you talking about that robot is most definitely nude.

I thought it was another Dinklebot for a while.

What about people who just thought it was okay?

No… just no.

I've heard of Diplo, he's made some good music but he is, perhaps ironically here, being an ass.

From the milk tree and eggplant obviously.

You put a lot of words into Cartoon Network's mouth here when I don't know any other network even willing to go out on a limb showing gay characters and affection in cartoons at all.

Sure she, and the people she's surrounded herself with, are savvy but that's not exactly an endorsement of anything she does.

Well a least there was a line.