
Yes but for those studies to be conducted they would have to be measuring some outward expression of those prejudices, and therefore they would not be kept internal.
It was just a sort of contradictory way of expressing something that sometimes happens through casual language, I understand that social pressure keeps a

All right that's a bit of a can of worms. I'll just ask, without getting into the issues more thoroughly, if you can accept that the word "racism" might have different meanings to different people? If I define "racism" as prejudice or expression of prejudice against an individual on the basis of their skin color or

I just can't see a non-campy appeal to musical theater. I'm glad some people seem to get legitimately excited about it but I guess it's not for me.

Sounds unpleasant. I guess the good thing about living in the South is at least you know what you're getting, which is to say the racists aren't as coy about it.

"Sadly, a lot of people still hold the racist and misogynistic views they did back then, they just keep it internal." If they do keep it internal how is it possible for you to know that?

What is PC exactly? I see a lot of people use the term but no one ever define it.

What percentage of people do you think think 75% of other people are idiots?

My sister was a fan of the show so I had a fair bit of exposure, I could never get past the obvious writer's room quality of the dialogue to really get into it.

Good for you, and I mean that 100 percent un-sarcasticly. Imagine Dragons are fine but they're now facing the inevitable consequences of over-exposure.

Nope, they don't really match up that well at all.

I'm not sure if she's putting on that sunny optimism but I love the idea that someone could be so optimistic about people's inner child, it's endearing really.

What's everyone talking about? Obviously because not literally every single website on the internet has been writing articles about Ferguson I have no idea what this even is!

I'm sure it will be difficult, knowing the editorial weight, knowledge, and expertise of the A.V. Club isn't being used to comment on matters of significant national discourse is a heavy weight to bear. I can't imagine their struggles.

These things are obviously tied together.

Such a Pitchfork thing to do.

Oh Gert, such a charmer!

Nope, it was terrible!

Don't worry Lars you've always been an ass and always will be I'm sure that can fill the creative hole left by your rehab.

I think he hung up.

I'm not ever going to say that Grumpy Cat's face isn't, in fact, funny. All jokes must die or be killed though, and the owner of the cat seems to be intent on killing it and making its death as gruesome as possible.