
I haven't played too much but at the point I'm at the game unfortunately takes itself pretty darn seriously, no Ramon Salazars here.

Eh as far as I can tell that's pretty much just a wide spread internet thing, you can go to places like Tumblr and see a lot of the same level of discourse from the opposite point of view. I'm not sure where it comes from and haven't been around long enough to know if it's always been that way. I can't imagine Twitter

Well, I mean movies aren't really super great on the whole either, at least in my opinion.

I think I understand your position as politics should not be determining the creative content of an artistic medium, the creator should determine the content and do so un-selfconciously, not feeling as if they have to include/exclude things for the satisfaction of external political forces.

It depends on the situation I guess. As a gay man living in the South I actually lost friends coming out so rather than making my relationships based on my identity as my choice it was something that, at least in part, couldn't be avoided. Finding other people who were out felt like an opportunity to make that part of

I'll stand by his acting, but dude's got some strange political beliefs.

Are you sure that's the reason he disapproves of her? I mean I'm not saying you're wrong but you'd have to ask Armando what he actually doesn't like about Anita or Quinn.

Oh no those people who threaten others are the actual worst, but I doubt the people you're arguing with are endorsing that kind of behavior.

I'm sure no one ever insults public figures on here ever.

I don't disagree with you, women in games are often poorly written. I wish it was better.

The game is certainly slow paced, not sure yet if it's enough to sink the experience for me. It

Assuming people lack basic human empathy when they disagree with you is generally a sign that you're probably not going to come off as convincing to them.

I don't believe it!

Whoa, Rob Lowe is in this!

The Greg Grunberg!? Of L.A. Noire fame?

Name me any country that doesn't act the same way and I'll maybe consider it being a statement about "we as Americans".

I'm pretty sure Mr. Brainwash is real, he's just a bad artist.

I'll tell you right now as a person of the male persuasion that making broad statements about large groups of people is never going to end up looking very good. Let's just accept that we're all individuals on a spectrum, I'm a man and I'm not all that concerned with sex most of the time, I'm sure I'm far from the only

Ugh, I can't believe I'm old enough for my childhood to be everyone else's childhood. Go back to talking about stuff in the 80s guys.

"…seven years since the publication of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows." Man that just made me feel old.