
You wrote a lengthy post about how NYC residents, yourself very much included, should have masses of city streets closed for their benefit, as it it is something they deserve, or should have a right to under the current circumstances.

My use of the term entitled has nothing to do with wealth or a lack thereof, rather it refers to your apparent ignorance of what it takes for a large city to function. Roads are not only for commuters and the drastic reduction in traffic doesn’t mean such a large road network is no longer needed to keep the city

“I am a poor, sadly.”

Entitled much? Like damn dude, you make it sound like shuttering a majority of the city’s streets would be a simple, even necessary act to provide outdoor space for residents but that just isn’t the case.

The first company that sells this in gummy form will make billions.

Which motorcycle that HD makes do you like exactly?
Looking at them in somewhat objective terms, nothing is competitive on price/performance basis.  It like looking at 1980's GM, just layers of trash for too much money.

Or Planned Parenthood, or any Immigrant Rights group!

This absolute, whole, ENTIRE-ASS bitch...

Weird jokes read even worse 

Trump: If you keep talking, I’ll leave

You got a weird way of joking.

I know everyone is going through it these days with everything that’s going on in the world and for those that where already having issues prepandemic How can a person who’s been dealing with depression and crippling loneliness most of their life survive foster a since of resilience in the Age of Rona having no close

“He was buying $800 ventilators and trying to pass them for $50,000 units. “

You had to use that picture didn’t you?

I noticed that she has a very very very long wind up to any of her points.
So, she knows she’s horrible...but before she loses more listeners, she’ll get that 43 seconds in ad money. 

I got to the (almost) end when she gave out her phone number for folks to call in.

It gets really funny when she admits the 911/Pearl Harbor analogies befuddle her. Poor bish is just too stupid and triggered to comprehend barely-complex ideas. No wonder rightwing radio gave her her own show, they love them some dimwitted catty Karens.

I listened to her whole spew of words, but it was, indeed, difficult to continue listening. It was not a delight and honor to listen to her.

This troll cannot seriously be stupid enough to believe this.