
This is probably TMI, but I’ve been having eye issues lately due to how much I’ve had to work. It worried me when I looked at this picture, how bad my eyes were getting... then I realized it wasn’t me haha.

Agreed. This is pretty poor photography.

I also came here to argue with this mediocre shot.

If a car moves in a garage, does its engine make a sound?

1000 meters of headshots in one life is absolutely possible. I haven’t sniped much in BF1 but in BF4 I’ve gotten a few 1000 meter or more headshots off on certain maps. The wording makes me think you don’t need a single 1000 meter headshot either, five 200 meter ones would work and that’s a pretty standard sniper life

We’ve become accustomed to games only having special challenges that almost any player could complete in the hopes of appeasing the “100% completion” crowd. I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing (accessibility is laudable), but it has made it difficult to have truly rare achievements (lowercase “a”)—

Driving to work and back without paying for gasoline?

Ahhh, the sweet relaxing silence of gliding down the road in an electric vehicle. The gentle whooshing of air as it cascades over the pillars, the tweet of a bird as you pass a stand of birch trees . . . . wait a minute . . . what’s that?

Stealing someone’s car is super-shitty, but maybe we could find some middle ground? Like, chop their pinkie off and have their parents give them stern, disapproving looks?

“Self inflicted gunshot at the White House”
Who else, if even for a second, was like, “oh please oh please oh please”

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there, tiger.

I’m really here for the chyron on the bottom of the screen. That’s some low key shade CBSN, and I LOVE IT

In ideal/normal conditions the speed limit is what one should drive. Really good conditions like good weather, smooth pavement and no traffic is the right time to kick it up a notch as appropriate.

Four Indictments And A Funeral.

There’s only one headline I want to read that includes the words “Donald Trump” and “funeral.”

Believing in an endless existence after death without knowing how immensely boring it will be after an infinity time or so?

What...the...everlasting...f*** is wrong with people?

As a corporate thug, I will not be watching this in my office. Can’t let these colonizers think I’m weak.

“We need armed guards at schools!”