I was going to make a joke about conservatives hate-reading this but then I remembered they can’t read.
I was going to make a joke about conservatives hate-reading this but then I remembered they can’t read.
Laura, the girl who lost her friends when she came out as “conservative”, shows how the internet has really been instrumental in radicalizing people and bringing horrible people together.
I had nothing better to do.
A friend took me to Hobby Lobby, which I never thought I’d see the inside of and upon walking in, I suddenly wanted to start scrapbooking and making my own jewelry and possibly start doing flower arranging and bedazzling the shit out of everything. I could see how a creatively inclined, but not resourceful enough to…
He could get a great non-profit gig with that degree. I’ve seen it happen.
No offense but Trump is Catholic which is pretty much as Christian as you can get. I’m from Mexico. I know Catholics and what they are capable of. These are dangerous, dangerous times and that’s all the more reason to get something done on amnesty for the DREAMERs right now. Right. Now.
Points for capitalization.
He died doing what he loved: eating shit publicly.
I don’t believe in god, but if I did I would say, “God bless these kids.”
It’s a bad day when I long for the eloquence of George W. Bush.
You mean like a major localization manager? Like the guy they sent?
Better to quit than to be awoken by that one friend who
I like to think Miyazaki said, “this Harvey Weinstein,” with a little dismissive question mark at the end.
Guns in schools in absolutely, without a doubt, the hill I will die on.
New teaching high school teaching hires:
I’m hoping these kids keep doing what they are doing. For the first time I can remember, there is a serious national conversation going on about gun control and solutions (or “solutions” if we are talking about arming teachers) after a mass shooting instead of thoughts and prayers, 3 days of coverage of the victims…
Nobody owes you a debate - don’t be so entitled.
They’re about four times more expensive at the nearest health food store which is a little over ninety miles away, but thanks for judging the ethics of a purchase I made while my daughter’s cat was dying.