Honestly, that whole family is a house of horrors.
Honestly, that whole family is a house of horrors.
Blink twice if you’re being held hostage and forced to listen to white baby-boomer opinions against your will...
He’s pretty clearly a sociopath to me as an armchair, completely uneducated psychologist.
I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!
This Girard guy sounds like an absolute lunatic who probably should have been institutionalized decades ago. Burying a copy of your W-2 over your old boss’ casket is not the indication of a well mind.
Why would we have guns outside of museums?
As a post-Boomer, I was very happy when I realized their massive demographic would spur all kinds of advances in medical science and late-life care that I could take advantage of when I got to that age.
I know emotions are high right now, and I’m not a gun owner and never plan on being one, but...
I also owned a gun that I got rid of (because during my divorce, I thought my alcoholic husband might shoot himself). I liked having a gun to take to the range, and yes, I enjoyed having something in the house that could make me, a 103 lb woman, as deadly as a large man. Who knows if I would have or wouldn’t have been…
Videogames is cool
Good news, they’ll mostly be dead soon.
Hot take: Rust patina is fucking trash and looks like shit.
With that price? It had better give you a power up and change color every time you overtake a boss.
Holy shit, I thought you were joking!
Well as long as we’re talking about things we regret reading, I’ll go ahead and add your comment to the top of the list.
I have no interest in using or participating in dating apps.
People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is…