Panda Liberation Front

I live near here, I followed a lot of the discussion online in real time and fwiw, I didn't see anything aggressive or threatening. That doesn't mean it didn't happen but knowing the local community of people who ran with the story (it's not a huge place, but granted I obviously don't know everyone) I am skeptical

In which we all are the black guy who takes one look at what’s going on, and then nopes the fuck out of there.


Because on this website, we like to trash certain celebrities for their minor peccadilloes and we like to put certain other celebs up on the proverbial pedestal, wash their feet and anoint them with holy oil. DiCaprio, Damon are in the first list.

This is why I actually like Leo. I truly don’t give a shit about his sex life as long as everyone is consenting. I have met way too many monogamous “nice guys” who are actually not decent human beings to judge someone solely on their sex life.

It always makes me think of:

The only thing worse than hearing about a bride’s wedding plans is to hear about how she doesn’t have them.


Did someone say bride jeans?

Ugh, anything in the “Not one of those girls” genre can fuck off and die in a fire.

The rush hour women only cars in Tokyo have been successful in curbing subway gropers.

Your comment that a train car that is offered optionally for women reminds you of the holocaust is quite offensive.

If I was traveling alone in a foreign country I would also consider sitting in a women-only car especially if I had been seated in the regular car and someone was making me feel uncomfortable. To me it is almost like having women-only gyms. Does it totally solve sexism and sexual assault? Of course not but it gives us

I mean, it didn’t sound like women wouldn’t be allowed in the rest of the train, just that there’d be a car that’d just be for women.

But trans people have always been around those spaces. Specifically, for purposes of this story, they’ve been around Stonewall. Trans women disproportionately led the Stonewall Riots. People often forget this.

“Couple of the millenium”- that’s a big stretch, to call it this early in a thousand-year stretch. The millenium is barely old enough to have its driver’s license. But I see the Cambridges are getting right out in front of the recent scandal over “what exactly are they doing with all that taxpayers’ dosh” by being

Yeah, I’ve seen a ton of people that love Arya because she’s a tough smart tomboy who fights LIKE A GUY, but Sansa is a dumb useless girl who likes dumb useless girl things.

It’s amazing how many chemists and drug experts we have in the comments.

Purely anecdotal but whenever people laud LSD as a harmless, fun, trippy drug, I remember the guy in my dorm who, on a “bad trip”, stalked a woman into the showers and tried to rape her before jumping off the roof, believing he could fly like in that ‘70s After School Special with Helen Hunt. He broke both his legs