Panda Liberation Front

I would not categorize derailing a thread about horrific violence with pictures of pets as “mourn[ing] the loss and try[ing] to find a way to prevent this from happening ever again.”

You asked why I come to Jezebel. I generally like the content and the community, but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything that

theyre all gorgeous but i am just so happy for isaac. like u did it. u made it, child.

It feels like thread-jacking. Like if a story comes out about the wage gap and someone comes in with what about the menz. Your animals are cute, yes, and I understand the catharsis but the whole thing feels like ignoring the base issue so we can all look at you instead.

When my daughter’s father dicked me over with the child support, I took an administrative job in a showroom and unbeknownst to me, one of my duties was to walk their mangy old dog. I hate dogs. Their dog was old and smelly. Ugly too. You best believe I walked that motherfucker and picked up his shit everyday. Fuck yo

I find it completely inappropriate that every single post about something upsetting on this website turns into a place for everyone to post pictures of cute animals. Whether it’s a terrorist attack or a brutal rape or murder, it completely devolves to “Awww, frowny-face, the world is so sad. :(:(:(:( Now look at a

The cat posting shit positively reeks of privilege. Here I am, looking at an article announcing that some of my close relatives may be dead or in life-threatening danger... And see a bunch of affluent american women using it as a venue to post pictures of their cats. When the next 9/11 rolls around I’ll be sure to

Can you not with the stupid fucking cat pictures? Hundreds of people are likely dead and the white answer is to post fucking cat pictures? Fuck off.

I am starting to think that we shouldn’t use cute cat pics like this for stories like this one. It feels “head in the sand”y

Oh,choice feminism. Celebrity images are made to suit the patriarchy, these kinds of style choices aren’t made in a vacuum. Ariana has very little to do with these decisions.

I sort of wish we were all still back in 8th grade for just one day. So the collective on this thread could find this bitch in the girls bathroom before math class and give her the ass kicking she so richly deserves.

I’m not joining in all the outrage in the comments. Granted, I would hate this whole thing because I have an irrational hatred for any and all pranks and think they’re idiotic, but this doesn’t particularly offend me in any way.

By assuming that this person acted as they did because of a mental illness instead of doing out of their own volition, you’re reducing them to a mental illness and thus not only using it as an excuse for anything inexcusable they might do, but also giving them a free pass on those things because “mental illness”.

That’s a very convenient view of mental illness. Being a big enough dickhead shows that you’re mentally ill, and being mentally ill means you are not responsible for your own actions. Therefore simply being a horrible person gives anyone carte blanch to be as horrible as they want while being self-righteously angry

I’m Bipolar and I dumped 2 shitty friends for absolutely valid reasons. It was a couple of years ago and I’ve no regrets. In fact, cutting them out of my life was a smart decision when it came to my emotional well-being.

You leave abusive relationships. Period.

That’s much more pleasant than thinking about lost friends decades later that you wish you still had.

It’s neurotypical privilege to think that some actions count as related to mental illness while others don’t.

That’s because seizures are narrowly defined, discrete events (even if they have varying symptoms). The underlying cause for dickish responses are varied and could easily have nothing to do with mental illness, just as shaking could have nothing to do with a seizure if the person in question just stepped out of a cold

Dear gods, is this perfect timing. This past summer, my best friend suddenly became hostile and unfriendly; no warning, no explanation, no anything. Then I found out that she had been excluding me from activities we used to do with two other gfs, and then posting their fun on Facebook for me to see. This put the other