
I missed out on so many tutorial prompts and tips in GTA V when I first played it because the text was so goddam small and never stayed on screen long enough.

I wish there was something that could send video game text directly to my Kindle Paperwhite. When a huge volume of text appears on a monitor it just reminds me that it’s a poor device for dense reading.

I’d like to share my tip for hard to read text on ps4. In accessibility options you can turn on a zoom feature that activates when you pres PS home button and square, I use this feature all the time to read tiny text and it really helps.

I second this. Last year’s Uprising event was one of the funnest mode I’ve played in Overwatch. The junkenstein event too. Just re-skin them as a non-holiday themed and have it all year round.

I’m sure they’ll eventually make something like these last longer. But it seems to me like they are testing the waters. People have been asking for things like this since day one.

But considering the game wasn’t designed around PvE, I’m sure they don’t want to just make new modes without the data/testing needed to

Can we...*sigh*...can we get the PvE modes year round please? It’s ridiculous that you can play modes designed to be played vs human with dumb bots instead the whole year round, but you can only play the modes designed to be played vs bots in 2-week loot box events...

It was primarily a case of being overly long, and while the production values were great the actual game itself was pretty dull. If you’re interested in board gaming, I always recommend reading the reviews and ranking on boardgamegeek, and I quite enjoy the reviews from shutupandsitdown.

A family of candy asses.

See, they are like a real family.

What sort of issues did Jasco Games have with Mega Man? Google doesn’t seem to have anything on what you’re claiming (other than a couple of dice issues), and it appears they released two MM games. I’m on the fence with this KS.

I’m going to back it, but you’re 100% correct. Gotta treat this situation like the gamble it (always) is.

checking what’s under toad’s hat, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Even Twitter knows what “Putting on the big Princess Peach Head” means if you know what I mean.

This is a good take.

To those who aren’t regular board gamers: this is a first time designer / board game youtuber, running a $400k kickstarter, with a company (Jasco Games) who dropped the ball HARD on the Mega Man board game.

I love the concept but Caveat Emptor af.