
Um. Gee. As someone from another state that gets its share of not-always-deserved hate, I...don't sympathize. I'm sorry. You have, on one side, a group of human beings whose fundamental rights are being denied them by a powerful government that manages to enact bigoted laws over the objections of a few good-hearted

I sure do miss the 90's

also jeff goldblum

At least in the Independence Day version our beloved pets don't die.

war of the worlds was a little twisted

so uh #notalltexans? you are aware that Kat is from texas right?

Hey, homophobes, if it makes you feel better, y'all can pretend Sarah is just Suzanne's Goodfriend.


Somehow, I keep voting against them, and they keep getting elected. I have never once voted for Ken, but somehow he has represented me for like... uh... most of my life?

Wow Texas. You sure have had string of shitty Attorney Generals over the past couple of decades.

It's inevitable, you backward fucks. Maybe you should try to secede again to keep people from having rights you're not fond of.

Get over it. It's going to happen. We won.

As a human being, fuck Ken Paxton.

It has been several years since this happened, but I had a horrific experience with a makeunder at a MAC counter. I was fairly gothy at the time, so when I wanted a more subtle bridesmaid look, I hit up MAC. I specified my goal, yet ended up looking like a shitty version of Toyah. It was all about bright and metallic,

What the f are those people with the 4 wheeler and soccer goal doing? Whatever it is, I want in.

You should have seen the salesperson's face when I asked her for "lip balm that's not shiny. Like chapstick." BTW my autocorrect is more feminist than I am; it kindly corrected my "saleslady's" to "salesperson".

what's funny is that I always, ALWAYS feel slighted at the MAC counter. I've been to several and no one ever helps, with the exception of once. So I just obsessively window shop online and then go into Sephora/Ulta knowing exactly what I want.

If she is a newbie, do you think MAC is the right course of action? I say this because I am not a newbie...I am an oldie...and I LOVE MAC. I also understand that it can be overwhelming. I agree with the original post (and I was an esthetician a billion years ago). What are your concerns? What are your attributes? YOU

I've only ever had bad experiences at MAC stores. I went in once looking for a red lipstick and the makeup artist told me I was "too pale" to wear red but he guessed he could "try". He acted so fucking put out to try out a couple of colors on me. I left without buying anything because he was such an asshole. In

I had such a condescending MUA the only time I ever went to a MAC counter. It was a really bad experience.