
I actually think they look kind of terrible :\

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

Those eyebrows don't lie, though. High fives to whoever does hers.

I'd up the ante by retorting that if I'm a swamp donkey then he's a douche pig and a shitweasel. So I think I'd win.


I don't know. It's pretty hard to get too upset when his best insult is "swamp donkey."

I always prefer when dudes just blurt out their sexist opinions and let them be known. That way I can laugh at him, argue with him, and maybe (though probably not) have some sort of conversation about why he feels this way (hint hint... deep rooted insecurities). What is much, much scarier is the reality that we are

There's a lot going on here, but I think the most interesting part is that these guys seem to think that a person's value is solely determined be how physically strong you are. Very convenient belief for a big strong guy, but they'll probably find that it's a less appealing philosophy when they get older and are just f

Ladies I'll go on record when I say:

This really only furthers my theory that some people go into teaching/administration so they can finally be the Mean Girls they never got to be in high school.

My unwed pregnant ass is sitting in Bountiful visiting my mom. I wish I would have known. I would have been her Gentile date.

You mean sanctioned incest pantomime?

The ticket comes with a complimentary bottle of vodka stolen from Jake's dad's bar in the basement. He'll totally never notice/care.

But they were going to let her other two friends in as each other's dates, which is what's so weird about it! And the school said she could have "a guy or another friend," i.e., a girl, with her. So what's the point? A hatred of odd numbers?

My high school didn't allow singles at the prom and you couldn't go with a same-sex friend. Hmmmm, I wonder why.

My school's prom used to have that rule, and I didn't attend because of it. Every few years there'd be an outrage because someone's sweetheart would be deployed or die in an accident and they'd be both grieving and stuck with an expensive dress. The point of the rule? Making sure there weren't any same sex couples at

There isn't a single high school dance memory I wouldn't trade for a tour of a chocolate factory

"Sorry, you can't come to this dance unless you arrive with a potential hook-up. Because as school admins, it's our top priority to encourage teen sex."

I agree that getting along with coworkers is one of the most important parts of any job, but how would you gauge that from an interview? There are shy people who take a while to make connections with other people but are polite and considerate and will give you the shirt off their backs, and then there are friendly,

I wish more hiring people understood (and acted on) this! Job descriptions and automatic resume scanners focus on particular skills partly I guess to eliminate hundreds of them at a time. Yet something like Excel or Dreamweaver can be taught in a matter of weeks but a rotten personality can ruin a whole department and