
Is it cool to call America one of the least developed first world countries these days or nah? This is some unbelievable shit. It's like, "fuck women sideways, up and down and all around". Tough to get contraceptives, can't get an abortion, can't give birth at home, can't get L&D services, NOPE FUCK YOU, you can drive

Sweet fancy Moses. Just when I think I can't be more grateful for being born Canadian, I read a story like this. I'll take our long waits for surgery anytime because at least I still have rights.

I was just reading a little more on this because I wanted it to be wrong. It's actually criminalized in Alabama to work as a home birth midwife which is just...absurd.

What ill conceived rationale is behind not allowing midwives to assist in home births!?!

Late word - Alabama has just re-re-written the law to advise that births may only happen in mangers and the mother must prove virginity.

Alabama is tied with West Virginia for the second-worst life expectancy in the US, but I'm sure that's unrelated.

If You're Giving Birth in Alabama, Better Be Ready for a Long Car Ride.

If they choose to deliver at home, state law forbids them from being assisted by a midwife or other skilled provider.

How about we lobby for Kinja to suck less and allow us to flag someone back into the greys?

I'm a scholar of the Holocaust and you often find the same thing in Germany and other countries where the Holocaust played out. A plaque on a house will say "This synagogue was burned on the night of November 9, 1938." Or "Mr. X died in Auschwitz." When you aren't specific about who perpetrated crimes it implies

Okay, sure, readers know who did the lynchings, but there's another element to this omission. By repeatedly describing the perpetrators as "a group of men" and similarly vague phrases, the article perpetuates the idea that white is the neutral state of mankind and everyone else is other. This is a constant in our

"Likewise, no one is under the impression that, I don't know, Cherokee people did all this lynching."

White people benefit from the oppression of people of color even if we weren't the ones doing the oppressing and aren't personally racist. There is no son of a murderer and rapist privilege.

ok, jackass, I'll bite. Till's father was an abusive womanizer whom he most likely never knew as he was forced to enlist in the Army for beating his mother. Try reading Death of Innocence by Mamie Till-Mobley, Christopher Benson if you want actual information about the Till family's background. Otherwise shut the

What on earth... oh, I see you just made this account today. That makes sense.

Some commenters just wanna watch the All Replies section burn.

What if we reply to people in the grays by starting a new thread and only referring to them in the text so that we don't bring them into the black?

It's not actually clear that he was cat calling her, the real story is unknown. Carolyn Bryant said at trial that he asked her for a date but I think we can all agree that her report is suspect. Some said that he wolf whistled at her, another lynchable crime in the 1950s (1800s, 1910s, 1920s,1930s,1940s,1960s)

This is just what the racists used to emphasize to bolster the credibility of his murderers?

Yea, but think about it like Obama's "Crusades" comment. Yes, we all know it was perpetrated by Christians, but talking about these Christians directly rather than just saying "Muslims have been persecuted before" completely changes the tone of the conversation.