
But all those shitty boards are the face of 4chan. Nothing will change that at this point, so by going to the site you are accepting the things they do. You are choosing to associate yourself with them.

My argument against it would be that it unnecessarily injects gender into people's work/school lives. I.E. we shouldn't be thinking about our co-workers as being men or being women, we should think of them as our coworkers - because we should realize a person's gender doesn't affect their performance in virtually all

Some people, I imagine, are bothered by a prefix that denotes their marriage to a man.

Oh okay. So I can stop paying the police then, right? Since now that I own a gun and the knowledge of how to use it, I don't need them for anything?

My first thought. Anna gives us this narrative and that jumps out at this dude as the MOST CRITICAL AND RELEVANT THING in the whole piece.

That does precisely nothing against the SWATting threat. That's the most dangerous threat she received, in my view.

Sweetheart, did you read the piece? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Yes. Yes my real name is Ken Yadiggit.

Owning a gun does not make you safer. It makes you more than four times as likely to be shot either fatally or nonfatally as compared to the general population.

I'm not anti-gun. I grew up in a place with guns. I understand their utility. But the reason I've never bought one — besides the difficulty of getting a CHL license in New York — is that it's another thing someone can wrestle away from me and use against me. I just don't think it's a solution to the larger issue.

Reddy isn't a cop, it's the Gawker lawyer. And the cop at the Brooklyn precinct undermined Rao's "I'd love to help if I could, but you have to go to your home precinct, otherwise it gets ignored" claim and said he was just being lazy.

4chan is a horrible place, period.

THEY WERE THREATENING TO RAPE AND MURDER HER. Are you kidding?? The point of posting that report was to show that the police didn't take it seriously enough to record the incident as it happened, but to instead frame it as if this were just a pizza prank. You obviously did not read the article accompanying the picture

A few minutes before the tweets started, I had gotten an email from Domino's, letting me know that my pizza order was ready, payable with cash upon delivery. I'd shrugged it off as a glitch in their ordering system. I hadn't ordered a pizza, and the address listed on the order was an apartment I hadn't lived in for a

I dealt with a stalker in high school. He wanted to date, I said no and he went batshit. Threats, showing up places I was, sending threats through other people, waiting outside my classes, telling people I was a slut, driving down my street-usual stalker stuff. My parents took me to the police, and while I was

Except if you read the article, you'll notice that that's not true.

It feels weird to say, "I'd like to think that's true!" but even so, I don't think it would be true.

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and not at all surprised by the police response.
