
The study doesn't say "Fuck all the preggos and their unborn children as long as we save a few ££'s!" It also says despite their recommendations pregnant mothers should get to choose. So go ahead, choose that surgery and the hospital. But another woman may choose a home birth. Neither of you are wrong.

Also, why does the photograph used seem to be from about 1978? I know you Americans think us ever so quaint, but we're actually in colour these days you know.

Yeah but the funding for other units is still covered by the NHS, so...

No Cindy, no we can't.

No, they're not. Behaving like a small child throwing a tantrum does not paint you or your cause in a positive light, and it does nothing to further your aims. Find a new tactic.

My mum went to a well to do school, but her family was not well to do. When she met her best friend she introduced herself "My name's Elizabeth, and my daddy is the richest man in [city]". My mum responded with "Really? My name's Catherine and my dad's the poorest man in [town]!"

Yeah not sure why it's specifying mothers, I mean, I know mothers pay for it with tax, but the cost isn't something you think about once you're there.

NICE disagrees based on ample studies and thinks on balance midwifery led units are safer. When you get to dictate NHS policy with your opinions, we'll let you know.

I had the exact same reaction to the video. I cried my eyes out watching it and turned it off when it hit me I was watching a man die.

I remember it, and he says it multiple times. I want every single cop in that video scorched off the face of this earth.

Good job going straight for the gendered name calling, really helping your cause here.

Dude, I disagree with bestfriend but you guys have got to learn to better engage with your critics. Burt has it right, ask her for some lessons.

I am going to stop commenting because apparently I have lost all use of the English language. Jesus.

Ideally I'd like you to realise you're spouting ridiculous nonsense but I don't see that happening, so wedding are you to the notion of the gluttonous, neglectful parent. You've denied fatness had anything to do with anything yet then go on to say you "often see a correlation". Bollocks do you. People of all kinds -

You've done so well at explaining yourself in other responses, only to crash and burn here. Shit. Truth always outs, doesn't it?

Well yeah, but you could be normal weight die to not missing any meals while still depriving someone else of food. Fatness didn't need to be brought into it.

Saaaame. My partner and I use contraception yet a few months ago my period was about 40 days overdue. Not wanting children this freaked me out a bunch, but being able to go online and look up how and when I could access abortion services if I needed them was crazy reassuring. The concept of not having that

Dude...Britain is relentlessly mocking this photo too.

The BBFC don't make the rules, they comply with the law as determined by the government and within the legal framework listen to public feedback to classify films accordingly. Everyone loves to hate on the BBFC but if we went back to the days of no classifications on anything people would be up in arms.

Is this linked to the Jane's Law thing from a few years ago? I seem to remember the kerfuffle when they were talking about restricting kink.