Fuck the Grateful Dead and everything they ever stood for or inspired.
The league doesn’t crush new strategies because they want to, they do it because you can’t win long-term with gimmicks in the NFL. There is too much scouting, film, coaching staffs for that shit to work.
Depending on how you define “city,” you can have your cake and eat it too.
During football season, you are either with us or against us. College football harks back to a never‑never time of moral clarity, a time when we didn’t need to think, just cheer, when we cherished our prejudices. .
It’s not that you’re mansplaining, it’s that you don’t really understand what it’s like to be a woman and deal with these kinds of expectations. (Or at least that’s the impression I got from your comment.)
This seems unnecessarily hostile and insulting on the author. Please point to the parts where she disparages the culture or does anything more than just observe the differences and explain it for an audience not familiar with the ins-and-outs of Iran.
Everyone needs a good pair of boots to walk 50 feet from the parking lot to the carpeted office every day.
When anyone says it doesn’t matter who owns (or buys) your favorite beer, remember that InBev changed the recipe of fucking BUDWEISER to save a penny a bottle. Do you think Heineken would hesitate to dumb down Lil Sumpin Sumpin or Lagunitas Sucks the first chance it gets?
I rather enjoyed The Darjeeling Limited. More than The Life Aquatic, for sure. I mean, I wouldn’t watch it again, but then again, that’s true for a lot of Wes Anderson movies — i.e., the ones that aren’t Rushmore, Moonrise Kingdom or The Grand Budapest Hotel.
I enjoyed 'Darjeeling'. Adrian Brody AND Jason Schwartzman ? It's a grand slam.
If you’ve ever hit someone due to the outcome of a kids game played by a bunch of millionaires, you should probably kill yourself.
Hey ESPN — at least all this Simmons/Grantland brouhahah is distracting people from commenting on how crushingly disappointing FiveThirtyEight has been!
Sure, they can sue but for a 11 MILLION DOLLARS? That’s a silly amount.
Like, wow, OMG you sound like an 8 year old.
Fuck it, I don’t want a mouth full of grease/oil. That’s why I blot that bad boy, not because I want to delude myself into beleiving I’m some how saving myself calories.