Pancho Sanza

Count your blessings. You see, he’s a white rapper, who used to have a little person on stage with him. He acts all hip-hop, but he can also act all redneck! So, basically, he’s like Mozart.

Copy this and paste it into every single article on pitchfork and you’ll have something.

Lesbians = 9/11.

Welcome to The Alt Reich

I’ll hop right on that.

Humans are not that color.

Americans who say they don’t “get” the A Christmas Story movie scare me.

“Progressive Dogma” = Men shouldn’t rape women and then use the excuse that “they were attractive”.

Reactor designs don’t kill people. People who create reactor designs kill people.

Trump has made it so that no one would care. If they are not insane, not beholden to a foreign adversary, and not a nazi, that will be enough, thank you.

Any Non-Nazi Adult 2020

In an address at white supremacist Jared Taylor’s 2013 American Renaissance conference, Spencer called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing.” As an example of how this could be accomplished, he cited the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, where new national boundaries were formed at the end of World War I. “Today, in the public

“ also doesn’t mean that dogs are capable of understanding or empathizing with a person’s emotional state”

The best thing about the wall? The GOP multi-millionaires that run the country will be cutting their own taxes and won’t end up paying one fu**ing centavo of the cost.

Yes, and there WERE jewish nazis in 40's germany.

Too bad the country was still OK with rich white fat men being serial rapists and molesters way back in November 2016.

...or from Donald “Self-admitted pussy grabber, alleged child rapist” Trump

If none of it is true, why is he going to....

What she does is only tangentially rock and roll?

He was a millionaire. He may have booked this room, only as an additional post-mortem act of terror.