Pancho Sanza

“it seeks to work toward excusing things that are universally and objectively wrong”

“My gut tells me he did it — whatever “it” was.”

Zoo Animals on Roller Skates on a Plane

They need a taste of a knuckle sandwich.

You realize he could have left the issue alone and not threatened to deport hundreds of thousands of the best people in the country, right?

Damn, dude, it’s a mic in a shot, it’s not a U.S. president excusing murderous Neo-Nazis and betraying the country to Putin.

So if you’re not a neo-nazi, you’re “the liberal left”. Good to know, nazi man.

10 years later, I still don’t give a shit about this psychopath and his crap music.

...and Hillary could have WON by uniting the left and picking Bernie as a running mate, but she is too fragile to do that.

You could also cripple it by voting against white supremacists, but, OK, lets blame Bernie again.

Yeah, guys! It’s only an outright nazi who wants to push naziism to our kids! Gahh!

Spoon! And Fork! BOTH SIDES!